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Anypoint CLI 2.x

Anypoint Platform provides a scripting and command line tool for both Anypoint Platform and Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition. The CLI supports both interactive shell and standard CLI modes, and works with:


  • Download and install NodeJS and npm (node package manager) on your system.

  • Download and install the Git version management system on your system.


Depending on the configuration of your system, you might need to run these commands using administrator credentials.

$ npm install -g anypoint-cli@2.3.2

If the installation command fails with the following error, ensure that the Git client is installed on your computer and the git protocol is not blocked by your firewall or network:

fatal: read error: Invalid argument

If the git protocol is blocked, you can configure Git to use https:// instead of git://:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://


Every instance of Anypoint-CLI takes any of the following options:

Parameter Description Required


Your Anypoint Platform username.

You can also pass this value using a the environment variable export ANYPOINT_USERNAME=<name>



Your Anypoint Platform password.

You can also pass this value using the environment variable export ANYPOINT_PASSWORD=<pwd>



Your organization within Anypoint Platform.

You can also pass this value using the environment variable ` export ANYPOINT_ORG=<name>`



Your Anypoint environment.

You can also pass this value using the environment variable export ANYPOINT_ENV=<name>



The host of your Anypoint Platform Installation.
By default, this value points to
If you are using Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition make sure to pass the address where you are hosting the platform. If you are using Anypoint Platform EU Cloud, make sure you pass your EU complaint URL.

You can also pass this value using a dedicated environment variable ANYPOINT_HOST=<name>



Instead of passing your username and password, you can choose to pass the token for your account.
You can get the token for your account by hitting the endpoint with your username and password to get your bearer value.

Your session expires when the token bearer expires.
If you send both username and password, and the token bearer, the CLI prioritizes the bearer login.



Keep the following in mind while using the Anypoint CLI:

  1. Environment variables override credentials file parameters and command-line parameters override environment variables.
    If you don’t pass a command-line parameter, the default profile properties are used.

  2. If not specified, the default environment is production.

  3. Your Anypoint session expires based on the Default session timeout configured in your Root Organization settings.

    For information about your Root Organization settings, see Manage Root Organization Settings.

  4. The Anypoint CLI works with autocomplete.

    You can start typing the name of the command or parameter and press Tab for autocomplete or press Tab+Tab for a list of options.

Credentials File

The recommended way of passing these options to your Anypoint Platform CLI installation is using the credentials file located inside the ./anypoint/ directory, which is not automatically created during installation. Follow these steps to create your credentials file:

  1. Create a directory called .anypoint in the ~/ directory for Linux and OSx, or C:\Users\USERNAME \ in Windows.

  2. Navigate to your .anypoint directory and create a blank file named credentials with the following structure:

     "default": {
      "username": "yourAnypointUserName",
      "password": "yourAnypointPassword",
      "organization": "",
      "environment": "",
      "host": ""
     "otherProfile": {
      "username": "",
      "password": "",
      "organization": "",
      "environment": "",
      "host": ""

    Note that the "default" profile is used unless the ANYPOINT_PROFILE environment variable is set:

    > export ANYPOINT_PROFILE="otherProfile"
    > anypoint-cli

Then run the anypoint-cli command without any options:

> anypoint-cli

Dedicated Environment Variables

If you choose to pass the credentials when running Anypoint-CLI, we strongly recommend passing both parameters as environment variables: ANYPOINT_USERNAME and ANYPOINT_PASSWORD.

> export ANYPOINT_USERNAME="username"
> export ANYPOINT_PASSWORD="password"
> anypoint-cli

CLI Options

As instructed above, the username and password parameters are required. However, if you choose to pass your username, Anypoint Platform CLI prompts for your password.

> anypoint-cli --username="user"
Password: ****

Pass Commands

After setting up a proper way to access Anypoint Platform from the CLI, you can start passing commands.
See Anypoint CLI 2.x List of Commands for instructions on how to use them.

Use Anypoint CLI Through a Network Proxy

To use Anypoint CLI through a proxy server, configure the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables with the hostname or IP addresses for your proxy servers.

Depending on your operating system, use the following commands:

  • Linux, macOS, or Unix

    $ export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy-server:80

    $ export HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxy-server:443

  • Windows

    > set HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy-server:80

    > set HTTPS_PROXY=https//proxy-server:443

If the proxy server requires authentication, use these commands:

  • Linux, macOS, or Unix

    $ export HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password@proxy-server:80

    $ export HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:password@proxy-server:443

  • Windows

    > set HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password@proxy-server:80

    > set HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:password@proxy-server:443