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AS2 Connector - Get Started - Mule 4

AS2 Connector Version 5.1

Mule runtime engine (Mule) supports the AS2 protocol through the Anypoint Connector for AS2 (AS2 Connector).

The AS2 Connector enables trading partners to transmit and receive AS2 messages with EDI-X12, EDIFACT, XML, or binary payloads. For example:

  • Send messages, signed or unsigned, over HTTP or HTTPS, following the AS2 protocol

  • Receive messages, also over HTTP or HTTPS, following the AS2 protocol

  • Receive asynchronous MDN for the message sent

About Connectors

Anypoint connectors are Mule runtime engine extensions that enable you to connect to APIs and resources on external systems, such as X12 and RosettaNet.

Before You Begin

Before creating an app, you must have access to the AS2 target resource and Anypoint Platform. You also need understand how to create a Mule app using Anypoint Studio. You should have familiarity with AS2.

Considerations when Migrating from the AS2 connector 4.x

The AS2 version 5 connector requires the Async MDN to be handled as a separate flow. The retry of AS2 Message Send is not automatic. The application has to handle the retry upon failure in an MDN or upon failure to receive an MDN.

Version 5 enables you to reuse the application HTTP listener configuration. Refer to Upgrading and Migrating for more information.


Common Use Cases For the Connector

  • Send with sync MDN

Sends a message through HTTP or HTTPS using the AS2 protocol requesting the partner for a synchronous MDN (receipt).

  • Send with async MDN

Sends a message through HTTP or HTTPS using the AS2 protocol requesting the partner for an asynchronous MDN (receipt).

  • Listener

Source that receives messages via HTTP or HTTPS using the AS2 protocol.

  • MDN Listener

Source that receives asynchronous MDN receipts via HTTP or HTTPS using the AS2 protocol.

Next Step

After you have met the prerequisites and experimented with templates and examples, you are ready to create an app with Anypoint Studio.