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Customizing Mule Studio integration

Mule DevKit enables you to integrate your connector with Mule Studio applications.

Customizing Mule Studio

  1. Run the following command in the directory in which your connector’s pom.xml file is stored.

     mvn clean package
  2. By default, DevKit infers names from Java method, parameter and instance variable names, and JavaDoc comments.

The following sections describe annotations which customize Mule Studio dialogues and override the inferred values.

The @Placement Annotation

Apply this annotation to instance variables and method parameters. It contains the following parameters:

  • order — The order is the relative order of the annotated element within its group. The value provided may be repeated and in that case the order is not guaranteed. The value is relative, meaning that an element with order 10 has higher precedence than one with value 25.

  • group — A group is a logical way to display one or more variables together. If no group is specified, then Mule assumes a default group. To place more than one element in the same group, use the exact same values for this attribute.

  • tab — A tab is a logical way to group annotated elements together. This attributes specifies the name of the tab in which the annotated element should be displayed. If no tab is specified, then Mule assumes a default tab. To display more than one parameter or field in the same the tab, use the exact same values for each of them.

The @FriendlyName Annotation

Apply this annotation to instance variables and method parameters to provide a way to override the default inferred short name for a @Configurable variable or a @Processor/@Source/@Transformer method parameter.

The @Summary Annotation

Apply this annotation to instance variables and method parameters to provide a way to override the default inferred description for a @Configurable variable or a @Processor/@Source/@Transformer method parameter.

The @Password Annotation

Apply this annotation to identify a field or method parameter as a password or, more generally, as a variable which contains data that should not be displayed as plain text.

The @Icons Annotation

Apply this is a class-level annotation to override the default location of one or more of the required icons. The path needs to be relative to /src/main/java.

Providing the Text of a License Agreement

When users download your connector from your repository, they must accept a license agreement that you supply. The default location of the file is in the same directory as the pom.xml file. DevKit accesses this directory to search for a file first; if it finds none, it fetches the license text from elsewhere, then creates a new file. The following sequence describes DevKit’s activities as it searches for license agreement text.

  1. If a exists in the same directory as the pom.xml, DevKit uses that file and searches no further.

  2. If a license.txt exists in the same directory as the pom.xml, DevKit uses that file and searches no further.

  3. If the pom.xml file contains a Licenses section, DevKit attempts to to download the text from the license’s URL, then saves the downloaded content as a new {{}{ file and searches no further.

  4. If all attempts to locate license agreement text fails, the build fails.