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Installing Flex Gateway

You can install Flex Gateway as a Linux service, in a Docker container, or as a Kubernetes Ingress controller.

  • If you want to run your Flex Gateway inside of a virtual machine (VM), install it as a Linux service.

  • If you want try the product quickly or demonstrate some of the product’s capabilities in a non-production scenario, install it in a Docker container.

  • If you want use Flex Gateway as a load balancer at the edge of a Kubernetes cluster, install it as a Kubernetes Ingress controller.




Install as a Linux Service

The process of installing Flex Gateway as a Linux service includes the following tasks:

  • Install dependencies

  • Run the installation commands

  • Verify successful installation

Before You Begin

Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the following:

Run Installation Commands

To install Flex Gateway as a Linux service execute the command block which does the following actions:

  • Retrieves the public package keys and adds the package repository

  • Updates the package list

  • Updates apt-get

  • Installs the Flex Gateway package

curl -XGET | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mulesoft.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install -y flex-gateway

Now that you have installed Flex Gateway, you need to register it in either Connected or Local Mode.

See Getting Started with Flex Gateway for more information about the difference between Connected and Local Mode.

Install in a Docker Container

To install Flex Gateway in a Docker container:

  1. Download the Flex Gateway Docker image:

    docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway:1.1.0
  2. Verify the installation was successful:

    docker images

    You should see the Flex Gateway container image in the resulting list.

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.1.0

Now that you have installed Flex Gateway, you need to register it in either Connected or Local Mode.

See Getting Started with Flex Gateway for more information about the difference between Connected and Local Mode.

Install as a Kubernetes Ingress Controller

To install Flex Gateway as a Kubernetes Ingress controller download the Flex Gateway container image:

docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway:1.1.0

Now that you have installed Flex Gateway, you need to register it in either Connected or Local Mode.

See Getting Started with Flex Gateway for more information about the difference between Connected and Local Mode.