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Update a Server

This resource updates property values for the specified server. You use the /mmc/api/servers/<myServerId> with the HTTP PUT command. Substitute <myServerId> with the URL to the server. The operation updates the properties for the server specified by the URL.

Currently, you can update only the name and group properties for a server.

To specify a new group property, you need to use the href URL to the group.

Example Request

The following code illustrates a sample request.

PUT http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/servers/local$fa1b187e-0436-4d44-a6c1-140416d4d440
Content-Type: application/json

  "name" : "NewName",
  "groups": [
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/serverGroups/02876a19-6edc-49e8-9a47-dc2cc3f33afd"

Example Response

The above request, if successful, might return the following response.

200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/servers/local$fa1b187e-0436-4d44-a6c1-140416d4d440
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 19:38:42 GMT

  "name" : "NewName",
  "id" : "local$fa1b187e-0436-4d44-a6c1-140416d4d440",
  "href" : "http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/servers/local$b15ecba1-9f97-4b16-8127-9b137cdbb2e1",
  "agentUrl" : "https://localhost:7777/mmc-support",
  "hostIp" : "",
  "muleServerId" : "d9505d40-2c5c-11df-b832-a32a5a09ec4e",
  "started" : "Wed Mar 10 16:51:59 CET 2010",
  "version" : "2.2.5",
  "agents": [
      "name" : "mmc-support",
      "description" : "Mule Management Console Support ("
      "name" : "jmx-agent",
      "description" : "JMX Agent"
  "groups" : [
      "name" : "Production",
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/mmc/api/serverGroups/02876a19-6edc-49e8-9a47-dc2cc3f33afd"
  "runningServices" : 3,
  "pausedServices" : 0,
  "stoppedServices": 0