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Configuring Logging

For logging, Mule ESB uses slf4j, which is a logging facade that discovers and uses a logging strategy from the classpath, such as Log4J or the JDK Logger. By default, Mule includes Log4J, which is configured with a file called

The Mule server has a in its conf directory, which you can customize when running the server in standalone mode. Additionally, all the examples included with Mule have files in their conf directories.

Troubleshooting Logging

I don’t see any logging output

A file must be at the root of your classpath. If you don’t have a file, you can get a simple one here. For more information about configuring Log4J, see their website.

I reconfigured Log4J, but nothing happened

This happens because there is another file on your classpath that is getting picked up before your modified one. To find out which configuration file Log4J is using, add the following switch when starting Mule (or container startup script if you are embedding Mule):


This parameter will write the Log4J startup information, including the location of the configuration file being used, to stdout. You must remove that configuration file before your modified configuration will work.

I don’t want to use Log4J

You can remove Log4J by deleting log4j-xx.jar from your Mule classpath. You will then need to check that the logging system you are using is supported by slf4j and put the necessary JAR (unless using JDK Logger) and configuration files on the Mule classpath.

Controlling Logging from JMX

You can expose a manager’s logging configuration over JMX by configuring a Log4J Jmx agent in your Mule configuration file. See JMX Management for more information.