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Email Transport Transformers

Here is how you define transformers in your Mule configuration file:

<email:bytes-to-mime-transformer encoding="" ignoreBadInput="" mimeType="" name="" returnClass="" xsi:type=""/>
<email:email-to-string-transformer encoding="" ignoreBadInput="" mimeType="" name="" returnClass="" xsi:type=""/>
<email:mime-to-bytes-transformer encoding="" ignoreBadInput="" mimeType="" name="" returnClass="" xsi:type=""/>
<email:object-to-mime-transformer encoding="" ignoreBadInput="" mimeType="" name="" returnClass=""
useInboundAttachments="true" useOutboundAttachments="true"/>
{Note}Need to explain attributes somewhere; can we pull them in from xsd?{Note}
<email:string-to-email-transformer encoding="" ignoreBadInput="" mimeType="" name="" returnClass="" xsi:type=""/>

Each transformer supports all the common transformer attributes and properties:

The object-to-mime-transformer has the following attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value


Whether to transform inbound attachment in the input message into MIME parts.



Whether to transform outbound attachment in the input message into MIME parts.


To use these transformers, make sure you include the 'email' namespace in your mule configuration.