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Installing a Commercial License

Unless you use an evaluation version of Mule, you need to install a commercial license in Mule to use Mule ESB.

If you cluster Mule instances, the license you install must enable clustering. The commands you use to install, uninstall, or verify a license that enables clustering are the same as those for a license that does not enable clustering.

To install your commercial license in Mule (and automatically replace the evaluation license), please run the following command from your $MULE_HOME/bin directory:

mule -installLicense ~/license.lic
The original license.lic file will be automatically removed from the system once you complete this step.

If you are installing your license on multiple platforms, be sure to back up the license.lic file in another location before running this command.

Here is what the command line/shell output will look like:

mule -installLicense ~/license.licUsage: ./mule { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump }No command specified, running in console (foreground) mode by default, use Ctrl-C to exit...Running Mule Enterprise Edition...--> Wrapper Started as ConsoleLaunching a JVM...***  Installed enterprise bootstrap modules:                           *        Patch Management                                            *        MuleSource Feedback                                         ***Installed license key.Wrapper (Version 3.2.3)  Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.<-- Wrapper Stopped

You will see a new file, muleLicenseKey.lic, in the $MULE_HOME/conf directory:

To verify the license was correctly installed, run this command:

mule -verifyLicense

To uninstall a previously installed license:

mule -unInstallLicense

Mule will start after you install, uninstall, or verify the license.