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Mule MQ Integration


[Mule MQ] is an enterprise-class Java Message Service (JMS) implementation with official support from MuleSoft.

For more information, refer to the [Mule MQ Documentation].


To use Mule MQ with the JMS Transport Reference you need to:

  1. Copy the Mule MQ client JAR nJMSClient.jar from the Mule MQ lib folder to the <MULE_HOME>/lib/user folder.

  2. Configure the JMS connector.

Use the <jms:mulemq-connector> tag to configure the Mule MQ connector in your Mule configuration file. Since the <jms:mulemq-connector> tag extends <jms:connector>, all the attributes that one can set on the JMS connector can also be set on the Mule MQ connector. The following attributes are required:

<jms:mulemq-connector name="jmsConnector"                            brokerURL="nsp://localhost:9000"                            specification="1.1"...                            />
If you want to use XA transactions, use the <jms:mulemq-xa-connector> instead of the standard <jms:mulemq-connector>. The mulemq-xa-connector has the same extra attributes as the default connector.

Connecting using JNDI

  1. First configure JNDI managed object using the Mule MQ [JNDI admin]

  2. Then connect using the managed connection factory:

    <jms:connector name="muleMQJmsConnector"        jndiInitialFactory="com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory"        jndiProviderUrl="nsp://"        connectionFactoryJndiName="ConnectionFactory"         specification="1.1" ...                            />