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Protocol Tables

In addition, since TCP and SSL are stream-oriented and Mule is message-oriented, some application protocol is needed to to define where each message begins and ends within the stream. The table below lists the built-in protocols, describing:

  • The XML tag used to specify them

  • Any XML attributes

  • How it defines a message when reading

  • Any processing it does while writing a message

XML tag Options Read Write Notes


rethrowExceptionOnRead, payloadOnly , maxMessageLength, classLoader-ref

Expects the message to begin with a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)

Precedes the message with a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)

Like the length protocol, but specifies a classloader used to deserialize objects


rethrowExceptionOnRead, class, ref



Allows user-written protocols, for instance, to match existing TCP services.


rethrowExceptionOnRead, payloadOnly

All currently available bytes


There are no explicit message boundaries.


rethrowExceptionOnRead, payloadOnly

All bytes sent until the socket is closed



rethrowExceptionOnRead, payloadOnly , maxMessageLength

Expects the message to begin with a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)

Precedes the message with a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)


rethrowExceptionOnRead, payloadOnly , maxMessageLength Expects the message to begin with the string "You are using SafeProtocol" followed by a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)

Expects the message to be preceded by the string "You are using SafeProtocol" followed by a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)

Precedes the message with the string "You are using SafeProtocol" followed by a 4-byte length (in DataOutput.writeInt() format)

Somewhat safer than the length protocol because of the extra check. This is the default if no protocol is specified.



All bytes sent until the socket is closed




A message is an XML document that begins with an XML declaration


The XML declaration must occur in all messages



A message is an XML document that begins with an XML declaration, or whatever remains at EOF


The XML declaration must occur in all messages

Protocol attributes:

name values default value notes


The name of the class that implements the custom protocol

See below for an example of writing a custom protocol


A reference to a Spring bean that contains the custom classloader


the maximum message length allowed

0 (no maximum )

A message longer than the maximum causes an exception to be thrown.



If true, only the Mule message payload is sent or received. If false, the entire Mule message is sent or received.

Protocols that don’t support this attribute always process payloads


A reference to a Spring bean that implements the custom protocol


Whether to rethrow exception that occur trying to read from the socket


Setting this to "false" avoids logging stack traces when the remote socket is closed unexpectedly