<spring:bean name="sapProperties" class="java.util.HashMap">
<spring:entry key="jco.client.client" value="100"/>
<spring:entry key="jco.client.user" value="SAP_USER"/>
<spring:entry key="jco.client.sysnr" value="00"/>
SAP JCo Extended Properties
You can configure any of the SAP connection properties to the SAP and then use them on the connector or endpoint.
Some of these properties can be configure at connector or endpoint level with specific attributes in the mule-config.xml
The keys for these properties should be the same that JCo libraries expect, so please check SAP Client Properties and Sap Server Properties.
You can use these properties in the Connector or Endpoint by referencing the map with the attribute jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref:
<sap:connector name="SapConnector" ... jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties"/>
<sap:outbound-endpoint connector-ref="sapConnector" ... jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties">
Important The properties defined at connector or endpoint level will override the values in the properties map. Also the properties configured at endpoint level will override the ones from the connector. |
SAP Client Properties
These are the properties that can be used inside the Map referenced the attribute jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref at connector, endpoint, inbound-endpoint or outbound-endpoint level.
For an updated and complete list check the javadocs for com.sap.conn.jco.ext.DestinationDataProvider
inside your JCo distribution zip file.
SAP Property | Description | Mule Config Attribute | Default Value |
jco.client.client |
SAP client |
jcoClient |
jco.client.user |
Logon user |
jcoUser |
jco.client.alias_user |
Alias user name |
jco.client.passwd |
Logon password |
jcoPasswd |
jco.client.lang |
Logon language |
jcoLang |
jco.client.sysnr |
SAP system number |
jcoSysnr |
jco.client.ashost |
SAP application server |
jcoAsHost |
jco.client.mshost |
SAP message server |
jco.client.gwhost |
Gateway host |
jco.client.gwserv |
Gateway service |
jco.client.r3name |
R/3 name |
jco.client.group |
Group of SAP application servers |
jco.client.tpname |
Program ID of external server program |
jco.client.tphost |
Host of external server program |
jco.client.type |
Type of remote host 2 = R/2, 3 = R/3, E = External |
jco.client.trace |
Enable/disable RFC trace (0 or 1) |
jcoTrace |
jco.client.codepage |
Initial codepage in SAP notation |
jco.client.abap_debug |
Enable ABAP debugging 0 or 1 |
jco.client.use_sapgui |
Use remote SAP graphical user interface (0/1/2) |
jco.client.getsso2 |
Get/Don’t get a SSO ticket after logon (1 or 0) |
jco.client.mysapsso2 |
Use the specified SAP Cookie Version 2 as logon ticket |
jco.client.x509cert |
Use the specified X509 certificate as logon ticket |
jco.client.lcheck |
Enable/Disable logon check at open time, 1 (enable) or 0 (disable) |
jco.client.grt_data |
Additional data for GUI |
jco.client.use_guihost |
Host to which to redirect the remote GUI |
jco.client.use_guiserv |
Service to which to redirect of the remote GUI |
jco.client.use_guiprogid |
Program ID of the server which starts the remote GUI |
jco.client.snc_mode |
Secure network connection (SNC) mode, 0 |
jco.client.snc_partnername |
SNC partner, e.g. p:CN=R3, O=XYZ-INC, C=EN |
jco.client.snc_qop |
SNC level of security, 1 to 9 |
jco.client.snc_myname |
SNC name. Overrides default SNC partner |
jco.client.snc_lib |
Path to library which provides SNC service |
jco.client.dest |
R/2 destination |
jco.client.saplogon_id |
String defined for SAPLOGON on 32-bit Windows |
jco.client.extiddata |
Data for external authentication (PAS) |
jco.client.extidtype |
Type of external authentication (PAS) |
jco.client.idle_timeout |
Idle timeout (in seconds) for the connection after which it will be closed by R/3. Only positive values are allowed. |
jcoIdleTimeout |
jco.client.dsr |
Enable/Disable dsr support (0 or 1) |
jco.client.deny_initial_password |
deny usage of initial passwords (0(default) or 1) |
jco.destination.peak_limit |
Maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously |
jcoPeakLimit |
jco.destination.pool_capacity |
Maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. A value of 0 has the effect that there is no connection pooling. |
jcoPoolCapacity |
jco.destination.expiration_time |
Time in ms after that the connections hold by the internal pool can be closed |
jco.destination.expiration_check_period |
Interval in ms with which the timeout checker thread checks the connections in the pool for expiration |
jco.destination.max_get_client_time |
Max time in ms to wait for a connection, if the max allowed number of connections is allocated by the application |
jco.destination.repository_destination |
Specifies which destination should be used as repository, i.e. use this destination’s repository |
jco.destination.repository.user |
Optional: If repository destination is not set, and this property is set, it will be used as user for repository calls. This allows using a different user for repository lookups |
jco.destination.repository.passwd |
The password for a repository user. Mandatory, if a repository user should be used. |
jco.destination.repository.snc_mode |
Optional: If SNC is used for this destination, it is possible to turn it off for repository connections, if this property is set to 0. Defaults to the value of jco.client.snc_mode |
jco.destination.one_roundtrip_repository |
1 force usage of RFC_METADTA_GET in SAP Server, 0 deactivate it. If not set the destination will made initially a remote call to check if RFC_METADATA_GET is available. |
Sap Server Properties
These are the properties that can be used inside the Map referenced the attribute jcoServerExtendedProperties-ref at inbound-endpoint level.
<sap:outbound-endpoint connector-ref="sapConnector" ... jcoServerExtendedProperties-ref="sapServerProperties">
For an updated and complete list check the javadocs for com.sap.conn.jco.ext.ServerDataProvider inside your Jco distribution.
SAP Property | Description | Mule Config Attribute | Default Value |
jco.server.gwhost * |
Gateway host on which the server should be registered |
jcoGwHost |
jco.server.gwserv * |
Gateway service, i.e. the port on which a registration can be done |
jcoGwService |
jco.server.progid * |
The program ID with which the registration is done |
jcoProgId |
jco.server.connection_count * |
The number of connections that should be registered at the gateway |
jcoConnectionCount |
2 |
jco.server.saprouter |
SAP router string to use for a system protected by a firewall |
jco.server.max_startup_delay |
The maximum time (in seconds) between two startup attempts in case of failures |
jco.server.repository_destination |
Client destination from which to obtain the repository |
jco.server.repository_map |
repository map, if more than one repository should be used by JCoServer |
jco.server.trace |
Enable/disable RFC trace (0 or 1) |
jco.server.worker_thread_count |
set the number of threads that can be used by the JCoServer instance |
jco.server.worker_thread_min_count |
set the number of threads always kept running by JCoServer |
jco.server.snc_mode ** |
Secure network connection (SNC) mode, 0 (off) or 1 (on) |
jco.server.snc_qop ** |
SNC level of security, 1 to 9 |
jco.server.snc_myname ** |
SNC name of your server. Overrides the default SNC name. Typically something like p:CN=JCoServer, O=ACompany, C=EN |
jco.server.snc_lib ** |
Path to library which provides SNC service. |
* optional parameters
** SNC parameters (only required if snc_mode is on)