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Studio FAQ

Here you can find answers to typical questions you may have as a Mule user.

  1. Is Studio a new MuleSoft product?

    • No. Studio is not a standalone product; it is the new Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Mule ESB, Community Edition. This key component enables developers to graphically design and model Mule applications. Studio contains both a visual “drag-and-drop” editor and an XML editor for configuring Mule applications. You can also deploy, debug, and package applications entirely within Studio’s graphical environment.

  2. Do I need to learn XML to create Mule applications?

    • No. You can create Mule Flows, which provide the backbone for all current Mule applications, entirely with the drag-and-drop editor and the graphical Properties pane.

  3. Can I develop or edit my Mule applications by entering or modifying code in the application’s XML-based configuration file?

    • Yes. You can develop your Mule applications by writing code with the Studio XML editor, which features a convenient auto-completion mode that provides syntax guidance along with a list of available options for each parameter you code.

  4. Can I use Studio for my Mule 2.x applications, which are based on Service Models, rather than Mule Flows?

    • No. Studio supports neither Mule 2.x nor Mule applications based on the Mule Service Model, an older approach to development, which was replaced by Mule Flow technology as of Mule 3.0. Thus, Service-based applications can be edited with the Studio XML editor, but these Service-based applications cannot be run, debugged, or deployed using Studio’s other components.

  5. What happened to Mule IDE? Can I still use it to create Mule applications?

    • The Mule IDE has been replaced by the Mule Studio IDE. You can still use Mule IDE on Mule applications you created with that particular version of Mule IDE. However, MuleSoft strongly recommends that going forward, you use Studio for all new Mule projects.

  6. Can I run applications configured in Studio on MuleSoft’s iOn platform?

    • Yes. Applications developed in Studio can be deployed to the iON platform.

  7. In certain aspects, the Studio interface resembles the Eclipse environment. How are the two products related?

    • Mule Studio is an Eclipse plug-in, so users benefit from the full range of Eclipse capabilities.

  8. I want my Mule applications to connect to Web-based, third-party APIs such as Salesfore and Mongo DB. Can Studio accomplish this?

    • Yes. Studio bundles six Cloud Connectors (with more to come) that have been specifically designed to leverage Service as a Software (SaaS) resources out on the Web. Since everything you need has been pre-packaged, configuration is convenient (you don’t have to write any Java or XML code), and end-users don’t even have to be aware of the underlying transport protocol or the specific API calls they are leveraging.

  9. Is Studio compatible with Mule Enterprise Edition?

    • Yes. The Mule Studio development environment embeds a Mule ESB runtime to enable quick round-trip development and testing.

      check Best Practice
      Deploy applications created in Studio to a Mule ESB server or a Mule iON worker for pre-production testing and production use.

Where to go from here . . .