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Available Transports

Following is a list of known transports (also called "providers") for Mule. Some functionality is contained within modules instead of transports—​see Modules Reference. For more information on transports, see the following topics:

If you have created a transport for Mule and would like to share it with the Mule community, discuss it in the MuleSoft Forums.

The following list includes some prominent transports (also known as connectors) that are listed in Anypoint Exchange.

Note that in Mule 3, CXF and Jersey are no longer classed as transports. They are now modules that use an underlying transport (for instance HTTP or HTTPS) to communicate between client and service.

Mule Transports

Transport Description

AJAX Transport

The Mule AJAX connector allows Mule events to be sent and received asynchronously to and from the web browser

EJB Transport

Allows EJB invocations to be made using outbound endpoints.

Email Transport

This transport supplies various email connectivity options.

File Transport

This transport allows files to be read and written to directories on the local file system. The connector can be configured to filter the file it reads and the way files are written, such as whether binary output is used or the file is appended to.

FTP Transport

Allows files to be read / written to a remote FTP server.

HTTP Transport

This transport supplies HTTP transport of Mule messages between applications and other Mule servers.

HTTPS Transport

A secure version of the HTTP transport.

IMAP Transport

Connectivity to IMAP mail folders.

IMAPS Transport

A secure version of the IMAP transport.

JDBC Transport

A transport for JDBC connectivity. Some of its features are available only in Mule Enterprise.

Jetty Transport

Provides support for exposing services over HTTP by embedding a light-weight Jetty server. For inbound endpoints only.

Jetty SSL Transport

A secure version of the Jetty transport.

JMS Transport

A Mule transport for JMS connectivity. Mule itself is not a JMS server but can use the services of any JMS 1.1 or 1.02b compliant server such as ActiveMQ and OpenJms, and commercial vendors such as WebLogic, SonicMQ, and more.

LDAP Transport

Allows you to send and receive Mule Messages to/from an LDAP directory.

POP3S Transport

A secure version of the POP3 transport.

Quartz Transport

Provides scheduling facilities with cron / interval definitions and allows Mule events to be scheduled/rescheduled.

RMI Transport

Enables events to be sent and received over RMI via JRMP.

Servlet Transport

Provides facilities for Mule components to listen for events received via a servlet request. There is also a servlet implementation that uses the Servlet transport to enable REST style services access. This transport is now bundled with the HTTP transport.

SMTP Transport

Connectivity to SMTP servers.

SMTPS Transport

A secure version of the SMTP transport.

SSL Transport

Provides secure socket-based communication using SSL or TLS.

STDIO Transport

This transport provides connectivity to streams such as and System.out and is useful for testing.

TCP Transport

Enables events to be sent and received over TCP sockets.

TLS Transport

Provides secure socket-based communication using SSL or TLS.

UDP Transport

Enables events to be sent and received as datagram packets.

VM Transport

Enables event sending and receiving over VM, embedded memory, or persistent queues.

WebSphere MQ Transport

A Mule transport for WebSphere MQ. This transport is available with Mule Enterprise version 1.6 and later.

WSDL Connectors

The CXF Module allows remote web services to be invoked using their WSDL contract.

XMPP Transport

Provides connectivity over the XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging protocol.