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@Function Annotation

A parameter injection annotation expression on the message payload with the result being passed into the method, this annotation exposes a common set of functions used in Mule such as a counter, UUID generator, date and timestamps.

public class MyComponent {
    public Object process(@XPath("/Envelope") Document doc
                                        @Function("uuid") String id) {
        // do stuff


Function Description


Returns a java.sql.Timestamp with the current time


Returns a java.util.Date with the current time


Returns a java.lang.String that contains the current date formatted according as\{\{ dd-MM-yy_HH-mm-ss.SSS }}


Returns a java.lang.String that contains the current date formatted according as\{{dd-MM-yyyy}}


Returns a globally unique identifier as a java.lang.String


Returns the hostname of the machine Mule is running on as a java.lang.String


Returns the IP address of the machine Mule is running on as a java.lang.String


Returns a local count as a java.lang.Long that will increment for each call. If the server is restarted, the counter will return to zero


Returns the fully qualified class name of the payload as a java.lang.String


Returns just the class name of the payload as a java.lang.String