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Installing Anypoint Enterprise Security

  1. If you do not already have Mule (v3.3.2) Enterprise Edition with Mule Studi installed on your system, download Mule 3.3 Enterprise trial Designtime. Not sure which version of Mule you have installed? Here’s how to find out.

  2. Launch Mule Studio.

    Need more detail?

    1. Navigate to the MuleStudio folder on your local drive.

    2. Click the MuleStudio folder to expand.

    3. Double-click to launch Studio.

  3. Under the Help menu, select Install New Software…​

  4. Mule opens the Install wizard. In the Work with field, paste the following link:

  5. Click the Add button next to the Work with field.

  6. In the Add Repository panel, enter a Name for the repository, such as Anypoint Enterprise Security, then click OK.

  7. In the table, check the box to select Premium, then click Next.

  8. Click Next in the next wizard pane.

  9. Use the radio button to accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Finish.

  10. Mule Studio installs Anypoint Enterprise Security, then asks that you restart the application. Upon relaunch, Studio displays a new palette group called Security which contains six new message processors (see below).


Next Steps