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Notes on Mule 3.0 Schema Changes

The following changes have been made to schemas within Mule 3.0. For details on the schemas themselves, consult the schemadoc added with Mule 3.0.

Core Mule

  • The synchronous attribute has been removed in favor of the exchange-pattern attribute.

  • Dynamic endpoints can be designated on most transports.

  • Transformers, routers, filters, and other constructs that affect the processing of messages are now all Message Processors and can be used more flexibly inside a Mule configuration.

  • In addition to services, message processing can be configured using flows.


  • BPM now includes the element jbpm-connector to specify a jBpm connector.


  • The CXF schema is quite different now that CXF has been changed from a transport to a module. For details, see Upgrading CXF from Mule 2.


  • The e-mail connectors (IMAP, IMAPS, POP3, and POP3S) support a new attribute moveToFolder, which specifies a folder to move e-mail messages to after they have been read.


  • The legacy filename parser, used for Mule 1 compatibility, has been removed. The expression filename parser is now the default.


  • The HTTP transport defines a new transformer element body-to-parameter-map-transformer, which transforms the body of an HTTP message into a map.

  • HTTP outbound endpoints now have the boolean attribute follow-redirects, which applies to HTTP GETs only.


  • JMS connectors have the new boolean attribute embeddedMode, which tells Mule to avoid using certain JMS features.


  • In the Management module, the element jmx-server now takes the boolean attribute createRmiRegistry, which specifies whether to create an RMI registry if none exists.


  • Quartz endpoints have a new boolean attribute stateful, which determines whether the current job is peristent.


  • Inbound and global Servlet endpoints have a new attribute path, which specifies the path of the servlet to bind to.


  • A custom implementation for the TCP protocol can now be specified as a reference to a Spring bean.


  • The connector no longer takes the attribute queueEvents. Queuing behavior is now determined by the endpoint’s exchange pattern.


  • The XML now includes JAXB and XQuery Support transformers and extensions.

  • The xml-to-object-transformer element can now be further configured to customize XStream behavior.