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Studio in Eclipse

As an Eclipse-based IDE, Mule Studio has adopted many of the functionalities Eclipse has to offer. However, you don’t need to download a new IDE in order to take advantages of all that Studio provides. If you are already an Eclipse user, you can simply download and install Studio as an Eclipse plug-in.

The Mule Studio Eclipse plugin is accessible in the Java, Java EE, and STS distributions that use Eclipse 3.8.
  1. In Eclipse, under the Help menu, select Install New Software…​

  2. In the first panel of the Install wizard, enter the following URL in the Work With field, then click Next.

    MuleStudio Update Site -

  3. Review the install details, then click Next.

  4. Accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement, then click Finish.

  5. Eclipse installs Mule Studio, then demands a restart of the application.

  6. After Eclipse has restarted, use the Window menu to select Open Perspective > Mule Studio. Alternatively, open the Mule Visual Debugger perspective to us Studio to debug your application.

Go Further

  • Access a list of all the update sites available for your version of Mule Studio.