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Studio Update Sites

Mule Runtime Engine versions 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 reached End of Life on or before January 25, 2020. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the latest Mule version.

This page lists the URLs of all the update sites for the January 2015 Anypoint Studio with 3.6.0 Runtime. Verify your Studio version before proceeding, as installing updates from the incorrect update sites can cause errors.

To check your version of Studio, go to Anypoint Studio > About Anypoint Studio.

To access these update sites in Studio:

  1. Go to Help > Install New Software.

  2. Select one of these update sites from the drop-down menu next to the Work with field.

  3. If you don’t see the site you need, click Add to add it manually.

Name Studio Update Site URL Contains Notes

Anypoint Studio Update Site

Updates for Anypoint Studio application itself.

DataMapper Designer updates

SAP Connector

Mule ESB Server 3.6 EE Runtime

Mule ESB Runtimes for Studio

Mule ESB Server Runtime 3.6.0 CE

Anypoint Connectors Update Site

All Community, Standard, and Premium Anypoint Connectors available for Studio installation.

Connectors appended with "(Mule 3.5+)" are supported for use in 3.5.X and later runtimes. Other connectors in the list are supported for 3.4.X and are forward compatible.

Access a list of Anypoint Connectors already installed in Studio with this version.

APIkit Update Site

APIkit Studio Plugin updates

RAML API Editor updates

Read more about APIkit.

API Gateway Update Site

API Gateway runtime

Read more about the API Gateway Runtime.

Anypoint Enterprise Security

Mule Security Module Extensions:

* CRC-32 * Encrypted Property Placeholder * Encryption * OAuth 2 Provider * Security Filters * Signature

Anypoint Studio Properties File Editor

Note that you need an Enterprise license to run applications containing Anypoint Enterprise Security features.

Beta Add-ons Update Site

Anypoint Connector DevKit Studio Module (Beta)

This site contains Beta extensions that you can install for early access to upcoming features.

Anypoint Studio Eclipse Plugin

Eclipse plugin version of Anypoint Studio

SAP Connector

Selected Anypoint Connectors

DataMapper designer

Read more about installing Anypoint Studio as an Eclipse Plugin.


MUnit beta framework for testing Mule Applications

Firewall Configuration

If you are on a network with firewall restrictions, you may find that the Studio update sites are blocked and you are unable to download extensions. Configure your firewall so that it allows the following sites, which will permit Studio to connect to the above update sites:





