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Using HTTP GET Requests

Mule Runtime Engine versions 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 reached End of Life on or before January 25, 2020. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the latest Mule version.

CXF has built-in support for understanding GET requests, which use the following format:


For example:

@WebService(endpointInterface = "org.mule.samples.echo.components.EchoService",
    serviceName = "echo")
public class EchoComponent implements EchoService
    public String echo(String string)
        return string;

The above Echo service is hosted in Mule on the endpoint cxf: http://localhost:65081/services/EchoUMO, so you can access the service from a simple web browser by typing the following:

This will send the value "hello" for the string parameter to the echo() method.

Due to a bug in CXF, this is only supported with the JAX-WS frontend.