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Execution Engine

Standard Support for Mule 4.1 ended on November 2, 2020, and this version of Mule reached its End of Life on November 2, 2022, when Extended Support ended.

Deployments of new applications to CloudHub that use this version of Mule are no longer allowed. Only in-place updates to applications are permitted.

MuleSoft recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Mule 4 that is in Standard Support so that your applications run with the latest fixes and security enhancements.

Mule runtime engine implements a reactive execution engine, tuned for non-blocking and asynchronous execution.
To see more details about reactive programming, visit

The task-oriented execution model enables you to take advantage of non-blocking IO at high concurrency levels transparently, meaning you don’t need to account for threading or asynchronicity in your flows. Each operation inside a Mule flow is a task that provides metadata about its execution, and Mule makes tuning decisions based on that metadata.

Mule Event processors indicate to Mule whether they are CPU intensive, CPU light, or IO intensive operations. These workload types help Mule tune for different workloads, so you don’t need to manage thread pools manually to achieve optimum performance. Instead, Mule introspects the available resources (such as memory and CPU cores) in the system to tune thread pools automatically.

Processing Types

Mule Event processors indicate to Mule what kind of work they do, which can be one of:

  • CPU Light
    For quick operations (around 10ms), or Non-Blocking IO, for example, a Logger (logger) or HTTP Request operation (http:request). These tasks should not perform any blocking IO. The applicable strings in the logs are CPU_LIGHT and CPU_LIGHT_ASYNC.

  • Blocking IO
    For IO that blocks the calling thread, for example, a Database Select operation (db:select) or a SFTP read (sftp:read) . Applicable strings in the logs are BLOCKING and IO.

  • CPU Intensive
    For CPU-bound computations, usually taking more than 10ms to execute. These tasks should not perform any IO activities. Examples include the Transform Message component (ee:transform). The applicable string in the logs is CPU_INTENSIVE.

See specific component or module documentation to learn the processing type it supports. If none is specified, the default is CPU Light.

For connectors created with the Mule SDK, the SDK determines the most appropriate processing type based on how the connector is implemented. For details on that mechanism, refer to the Mule SDK documentation.


Based on the processing type of a component, Mule executes that component on a thread pool that is specifically tuned for that kind of work. These thread pools are managed by Mule and shared across all apps in the same Mule instance. When started, Mule introspects the available resources (such as memory and CPU cores) in the system to tune thread pools automatically for the environment where it is running. The default configuration was established through performance testing, which found optimal values for most scenarios.

The different thread pools allow Mule to manage resources more efficiently, requiring significantly fewer threads (and their inherent memory footprint) to handle a given workload.

Following are described the key aspects of each thread pool.

CPU Light

CPU Light is for a relatively small thread pool (2 threads per available core by default).

Apart from executing the CPU Light processors, this pool performs the handoff of the event between processors in the flow (including the routers) and the response handling for non-blocking IO.

Sometimes, throughput might drop or become unresponsive in an app due to some code misusing the CPU Light thread pool. This issue can be quickly checked by taking a thread dump of the runtime and looking for WAITING or BLOCKED or for long-running processes in the CPU Light threads.

CPU Intensive

CPU Intensive is also a small thread pool (2 threads per available core by default), but it provides a queue for accepting more tasks.


IO is an elastic thread pool that grows as needed.

Tasks running in this pool should spend most of their time WAITING or BLOCKED instead of doing CPU work, so they do not compete with the other pools.

Also, when a transaction is active (since many transaction managers require all steps of the same transaction to be handled by the same thread), the IO pool is used.

Custom Pools

Apart from the three core thread pools, Mule or some components might create additional pools for specific purposes, such as:

  • NIO Selectors
    Enables non-blocking IO. Each connector can create as many as required.

  • Recurring tasks pools
    Some connectors or components might create specific pools to perform recurring tasks (e.g: expiration monitors, queue consumers, etc.)

Proactor Pattern

Proactor is a design pattern for asynchronous execution. To understand how the Proactor design pattern works, visit

According to this design pattern, all tasks are classified in categories that correspond to each of Mule thread pools, and each task is submitted for execution to its corresponding thread pool.

Consider the following example where a flow pulls down a JSON array of Person objects described in JSON format, pushes the content through an HTTP request, picks the name of the first entry and does some additional processing:

  <sftp:read path="personsArray.json" /> (1)
  <http:request path="/persons" method="POST" /> (2)
  <set-variable variableName="firstEntryName" value="#[payload[0].name]" /> (3)
  <ee:transform ... /> (4)
  <logger message="#[vars.firstEntryName]" /> (5)

According to the Proactor pattern, Mule submits the tasks as follows:

1 The blocking operation(<sftp:read>) executes in the IO pool.
2 <http:request> is a non blocking operation. Mule performs the request in the current thread. When the flow receives the response, Mule switches to the CPU_LIGHT pool.
3 <set-variable> operations should be fairly quick and stay in CPU_LIGHT. There is no thread switch.
4 <ee:transform>, this is potentially a computational heavy transformation, so Mule switches to the CPU_INTENSIVE pool.
5 Logger stays on CPU_INTENSIVE. There is no thread switch.
Due to optimizations regarding latency, thread switches are omitted when an IO or CPU_INTENSIVE task is followed by a CPU_LIGHT one. The reasoning behind this optimization is that executing said CPU_LIGHT task is most likely cheaper than the thread switch.


Mule runtime engine automatically configures the thread pools at startup time, by applying formulas that consider available resources such as CPU and memory. These formulas can be modified by editing the MULE_HOME/conf/schedulers-pools.conf file. However, MuleSoft doesn’t recommend changing the thread pools' configuration.

Note that the configuration is global and affects the entire Mule instance.

Configuration at the Application Level

You can define the configuration of each pool and use it in a specific application by adding the following to your application code:

<ee:scheduler-pools gracefulShutdownTimeout="15000">


Applying pool configurations at the application level causes Mule to create a completely new set of thread pools for the Mule app. This configuration does not change the default settings configured in the file, which is particularly important for on-premises deployments because many Mule apps can be deployed to the same Mule instance.

Mulesoft recommends running mule using the default settings. If you use custom thread pool configurations, MuleSoft recommends that you perform load and stress testing with all applications involved in real-life scenarios to validate any change in the threading configurations and to understand how the thread pools work in Mule 4.


Under heavy load, Mule might not have resources available to handle a specific event. This issue might occur because all threads are busy and cannot perform the handoff of the newly arrived event or because the current flow’s maxConcurrency value has been exceeded already.

In case Mule cannot handle an event, a message is logged about the condition: Flow 'flowName' is unable to accept new events at this time. Also, Mule sends a notification to the flow source to perform any required actions. The actions Mule performs on back-pressure are specific to each connector’s source. For example, an http:listener might return a 503 error code, while a message broker listener might provide the option to either wait for resources to be available or drop the message.

In some cases, a source might disconnect from a remote system to avoid getting more data than it can process and then reconnect once the server state is normalized.