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To Configure LDAP in Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition

The following procedure describes how to configure user management using LDAP version 3 for the Private Cloud Edition of Anypoint Platform. User management through LDAP is only available for the Private Cloud Edition.

  1. From Anypoint Platform, click Access Management > External Identity.

  2. Enter the connection settings for your LDAP service:

    Property Description


    The host name of your LDAP server. If you are using TLS in your ldap server, use ldaps:// use this host name: ldap://


    The port used to communicate to your LDAP server. The default ldap port is 389. The default ldaps port is 636.

    Self-Signed Cert

    Mark this check box if you are using a self-signed certificate on your LDAP server. Use a Self-Signed certificate for testing your connection to the LDAP server.

    Bind DN

    The distinguished names for the user making the LDAP queries. For example, uid=admin,ou=people,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.


    The password for the LDAP server. For example,examplepassphrase.

    Connection Timeout

    The timeout frame (in seconds) for a connection. For example, 10.

    Operation Timeout

    The timeout frame (in milliseconds) for an operation. For example, 30000.

  3. Define the search bases:

    Property Description


    The base level for your user search base object. For example, uid=admin,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.


    The base level for your groups search base object. For example, ou=groups,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.

  4. Set the distinguished names for your user and group

    Property Description


    The distinguished name for your user search base object. For example,uid={{username}},ou=people.dc=mulesoft,dc=com.


    The distinguished name for your groups search base object. For example, ou=groups,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.

  5. Specify the search filters

    Property Description

    User by Username

    The search filter to find users by user name. For example, (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={{username}})).

    User by Email

    The search filter to find users by email. For example, (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(mail={{email}})).

    Group by GroupName

    The search filter to find groups by groupName. For example, (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn={{groupName}})).

    User’s Groups by Username

    The search filter to find user groups by userName. For example, (&objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=uid={{username}},ou=people,dc=mulesoft,dc=com)).

  6. Specify the user field mappings

    Property Description


    Field that represents the user name. For example, johndoe.


    Field that represents the email. For example,

    First Name

    Field that represents the First name. For example, `john.

    Last Name

    Field that represents the Last name. For example, doe.


    Id for your user. For example, 2EH.

  7. Map the group field mappings

    Property Description

    Group Name

    Field that represents your Group name. For example,cn.


    Field that represents your groups Id. For example, bcd6b4c4-aec5-4493-be1b-8e2e8eecf662.

  8. Save the configuration.