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To Install Anypoint Private Cloud using the GUI Installer

This topic describes how to run the GUI-based installer for Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition. This installer provides a wizard that walks you through the process of configuring much of the infrastructure required to run Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition. It automatically installs Kubernetes and creates multiple Docker containers that host the platform components.

Before running the installer, ensure that your system meets the minimum system requirements.

The installer automatically validates requirements for disk space, disk speed, network speed and operating system version. You must run the installer in a single session without interruption. Restarting the installer may cause problems with the installation.

Running the Installer

  1. Obtain the anypoint-1.7.0-installer.tar.gz archive from your customer success representative.

  2. Uncompress the gzip archive:

    tar xvf anypoint-1.7.0-installer.tar.gz
  3. From the location where you unzipped the archive, run the following command:

  4. Select the IP address you want to use and confirm.

    Based on your selection, the installer displays a message similar to the following:

    OPEN THIS IN BROWSER: https://{HOST}:61009/web/installer/new/{VERSION}?install_token={TOKEN}
  5. Open this URL in a browser.

    The installer runs on an internal IP that you can use to access from within your network. To access the URL from outside the network you must replace the hostname in the URL with a public IP address.

    After launching the installation wizard, perform the following steps to install Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition:

  6. Enter your Anypoint Platform license key, then click Continue.

    You must obtain the license key from your MuleSoft account representative. After applying a new license, it may take time for the installer to recognize the license.

  7. Enter a name for your cluster deployment.

    This name should be unique to your company. For example: anypoint.yourcompany. The name you provide here does not change the network address or organization name in Anypoint Platform.

  8. Choose a provider, then click Continue.

  9. Using the slider, select the number of server nodes you want to create.

    The following configurations are supported:

    • 1-node configuration: installs all platform components run on a single node. This configuration is intended for demo purposes only and has lower hardware requirements. It is not supported for development or production environments. The demo installation includes its own LDAP server to use for testing.

    • 3-node configuration: installs and registers all servers as General Purpose Nodes.

    • 6-node configuration: installs and registers three nodes as App-only and three nodes as Data Store.

    After installation, you can add or remove nodes as necessary using the Ops Center. Depending on the number of nodes you select, the installer displays one or more curl commands.

  10. Run the 'curl' command from the command line of each node in your installation.

    If you are running a 3-node configuration, you must Run the same command on each server in your environment. If you are running a 6-node configuration, you must run different curl commands on the app and data nodes.

    You must have administrator privileges to run this command. The command should have the following structure, but varies depending on the selected installation flavor you select and the type of the node:

    curl -s --tlsv1.2 --insecure "https://{HOST}:443/t/{TOKEN}/node" | sudo bash

    After running the curl command on a node, the node appears in the installer UI.

  11. Click Verify, to ensure that each of your servers meets the minimum disk and system requirements.

    This may take a few minutes to complete. If you system meets all of the requirements, the installer displays a green check mark.

  12. Select an IP address from the drop-down list.

    This IP address is used to communicate within the cluster.

  13. Choose a Docker devise from the drop-down list, or manually specify the path to your own. Ensure that on each of your nodes, both devices are configured with enough space.

    This is the device Docker uses for volume management.

  14. Enter the location where Anypoint Platform data is stored.

    This is the location of the databases and object stores. By default, this location is /var/lib/data. You must ensure that the location you specify has enough disk space.

  15. After all nodes are visible and configured, click Start Installation.

    The installer passes through several different stages. Wait for this process to finish.

  16. Enter the following information about your organization and Anypoint Platform administrator:

    • Organization name

    • Administrator email

    • Administrator username

    • Administrator password

      Platform users sign in to accounts that belong to the organization name that you provide here or a business group within it.