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Redis Connector - Get Started - Mule 4

Redis Connector v5.1

Anypoint Connector for Remote Dictionary Server (Redis Connector) is an open source, in-memory data structure store that is used for use cases such as caching a user profile, creating a leader board, tracking real time activities on a website, implementing a spam filtering system, using it as a message queue, use as a custom object store, and more.

About Connectors

Anypoint connectors are Mule runtime engine extensions that enable you to connect to APIs and resources on external systems, such as Salesforce, Redis, ServiceNow, and Twitter.

Before You Begin

Before creating an app, you must have access to the Redis target resource and Anypoint Platform. You must also understand how to create a Mule runtime engine (Mule) app using Design Center or Anypoint Studio.



After you have met the prerequisites, you are ready to create an app with Design Center or Anypoint Studio.