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Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition 3.0.1 Release Notes

June 15, 2021

New Features and Enhancements

This version of Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition (Anypoint Platform PCE) contains the following features and enhancements:

  • Reliability enhancements for installing and upgrading Anypoint Platform for PCE

See Features Shipped with Anypoint Platform PCE for details on component versions.


Contact MuleSoft professional services before installing Anypoint Platform PCE. MuleSoft professional services must be involved with your installation procedure.

Upgrade to Anypoint Platform PCE Version 3.0.1

Contact MuleSoft professional services prior to upgrading. MuleSoft professional services must be involved with your upgrade procedure.

Software Compatibility

Compatible with Version

Mule runtime engine

3.9.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.0

Runtime Manager agent

1.7 through 1.9.x, 2.1.x and later

Anypoint Studio

7.5.0, 7.5.1, 7.6.0, 7.7.0, 7.8.0, 7.9.0


  • VMware

  • Bare metal

  • Amazon Web Services

Upgrade Paths

Upgrades from the following PCE versions are supported:

  • PCE 2.1.x

  • PCE 3.0.x

Fixed Issues


Fixed an issue causing the logrange container to run as root (AOP-3051)

Fixed an issue in scaled deployments based on the number of cores in the node using the number of cores for the core nodes and not the AMV nodes (AOP-3254)

Fixed an issue with the Gravitational logging application not showing pod and container names for logs (AOP-3293)

Fixed an issue with Monitoring Audit logs not being tracked (AOP-3382)

Fixed an issue with invalid NFS configuration displaying an incorrect error in logs (AOP-3385)

Fixed an issue in which Design Center documentation service did not respond (SE-18022)

Fixed an issue with reviews and comments on Exchange assets not being logged in audit logs (SE-19800)

Fixed an issue with increased number of "could not serialize metric" logs generated in the cassandra-metrics container (SE-19804)

Fixed an issue with the Exchange asset icons not working (SE-19826)

Fixed a Pithos TLS error during install when using service-uid or service-gid flags (SE-19852)

Fixed an issue in which configuring SMTP failed because the disclaimer had invalid characters (SE-19946)

Known Issues

Description Workaround

While registering Mule runtime engine version 4.2.2 with PCE 3.0, application monitoring is enabled by default. This causes application metrics errors to appear in the Mule logs.

You can safely ignore the messages.

In Anypoint Monitoring, if the total number of advanced alerts and basic alerts is 20 or more, you cannot create a new advanced alert.

Reduce the total number of alerts to create a new advanced alert.

In Runtime Manager, when managing an application, the Properties tab is unavailable.

This is a known issue with the Runtime Manager UI. To configure properties, use the ARM REST services API.

Organization names cannot start with api.

This is a known issue that affects API Manager functionality. Do not start organization names with api.