Mule Runtime
Anypoint Studio 6.0 with Mule Runtime Engine 3.8.0 Release Notes
May 16, 2016
Build ID: 201605161739
Version: 3.8.0 |
Anypoint Studio |
Version: 6.0.0 |
APIkit |
Versions: 3.8.0 - 1.7.3 - 1.6.2 - 1.5.3 |
DataWeave |
Version: 1.1.0 |
MUnit |
Version: 1.2.0 , 3.6.3, 3.7.3, 3.8.0 (mule-munit-support), 1.2.0 (munit-studio-plugin) |
SAP Connector |
Versions: 3.0.0 |
What’s New
This release incorporates major improvements around Studio’s support for the API development lifecycle, incorporating more seamless integration between Studio and API Designer, expanding support for APIkit, and unifies the API Gateway runtime with the core Mule runtime. These capabilities include:
Seamlessly navigate between API designer and Studio by synchronizing (pull, push, compare) your APIs
Ability to register your APIs in API Manager from within Studio
Ability to select an API from API Manager to implement from within Studio
Support for SOAP APIs in APIkit
An enhanced New Project wizard which supports both REST and SOAP API implementation
Browse for WSDLs and RAMLs in Exchange to consume APIs in HTTP and WS Consumer
An Early-Access version of RAML 1.0 support to help users explore newly-released RAML 1.0 features and create / edit API definitions and implement flows using APIkit
In addition to these API-related functionalities, Studio also includes many other improvements:
More detailed data for debugging on some connectors, such as HTTP and Database
Improved error messages, which allow you to clearly see where the error is coming from and click to navigate to that point in the flow
DataWeave now includes supports for new file formats, allowing you to read and write fixed-width and other flat files using DataWeave. The structure of these files can be easily defined via a new Flat File Definition file format. You can also import COBOL Copybook files into this schema format using Studio (Early Access). Finally, if you have previous DataMapper transformations, you can use the migration tool to convert them to DataWeave transformations now.
The DataWeave language also adds several new operators.
DataWeave functions can now be called from other Mule components via a second MEL function, called split.
MUnit now can run multiple suites, and allow nested folders for tests. Users can also now create MUnit coverage reports from inside Studio. We have also added autocompletion support for MUnit’s MEL functions and metadata support to MUnit message processors
Metadata support to MUnit message processors
SAP R/3 Business Suite Connector v3.0.0:
Support of MEL expressions to define JCo Client Extended Properties.
Enhancement of DataSense to display additional information. For Functions and BAPIs, it is now possible to identify tables and structures, optional and required fields, the 'real' data type associated with them (such as Char, Number), their length and a description. For IDocs, segments are also clearly labeled.
This release also provides support for all the new capabilities in Mule 3.8, which are found in the Mule 3.8 release notes.
Software Requirements
Java Environments |
Operating Systems |
If you are installing Anypoint Studio on a Mac computer with OS X that has no Java installed, the OS may require that you first download and install JDK 1.6. Install JDK 1.6 first and then install JDK 1.7. |
Running real-time antivirus protection software on your operating system might have a negative impact on Anypoint Studio performance. Although this issue is prominent on Windows, it also occurs on Linux and macOS. Although the steps to solve these performance issues vary depending on your antivirus software, a typical solution is to either allow or exclude the Anypoint Studio and java executables, the Studio install and workspace filesystem locations, or some combination of both. See examples of solutions for McAfee Viruscan, Windows Defender, and Symantec Endpoint Protection. |
Known Issues
Early-Access support to RAML 1.0 is meant for our customers to explore the newly released RAML 1.0 specification. RAML 1.0 Early-Access support gaps for MuleSoft products are documented here
When running an MUnit test over Windows without admin right, you may find a
could not load library jansi
error. This is due to jar file that log4j uses that tries to use this dll library and if it can not find it then it tries to create it
system property.
If the user do not have write permissions to that directory which Windows always returns asC:\Windows
it will fail. The workaround is to overwrite that property in the lunch configuration:\Users\myUserName
or run Studio as an Administrator -
Studio 6.0 does not support the following Mule 3.8 features:
RecordVars and record payload should be editable in a commit block.
Object Store support gaps around Idempotent Redelivery Policy, Aggregators and DevKit token manage.
Create JSON metadata from example does not support Big Integers
When importing a zipped project related to the API Gateway’s default domain (for example, proxies generated from API Platform), if the domain project does not exist in the workspace already, there is a chance that it will be generated incorrectly, resulting in an entry in the Package Explorer like
api-gateway_2_0_3 : `.
The workaround is to delete the corrupt domain project and right click in the imported project → Mule → Associate with API Gateway domain, until the project is generated correctly displaying, for example, `api-gateway_2_0_3 : api-gateway -
When changing API Platform environments from production to another environment, Studio would try to update offline projects, showing connection error marker. The workaround is to use different workspaces for each environment so that there will no be problem with users authentication.
In the API Sync View, when clicking on refresh option and having selected one project, the expected behavior is to refresh only that project, However, it is refreshing all projects.
When uploading an entire API from Studio, it takes more than one automatic synchronization job to see files and folders decorators correctly.
Folder decorators are not being shown correctly when users eliminate them. It shows them as modified and not as eliminated.
When creating a new project with an invalid raml zip, Studio does not copy those files to the workspace.
Communication with Exchange fails when integrating with Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition.
Migration Guide
From the previous versions of Studio 5.1.0, 5.1.1, 5.2.0, 5.2.1, 5.3.0, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3, there is no special migration needed, but when opening a previous workspace with projects that were created with Studio 5.1.0 or older, and which has metadata stored in disk, Studio asks you to perform an update to all the projects so that the Metadata Manager can handle the types and to show the types in your project.
If you are migrating from Studio 5.x to Studio 6, you need to perform a clean install of Studio . You can easily import all of the external components that you had installed in your old version of Anypoint Studio through a single action. This includes connectors, runtimes, and any other type of extension added through the Anypoint Exchange or the Help → Install new software menu, as long as there are no compatibility restrictions. Do this by selecting File→Import and then choose Install→From existing installation. ![]() Then specify the location of your old version of Anypoint Studio in your local drive. |
Eclipse Plugin
If you are using Studio as an Eclipse plugin, you can get this version of Studio using the Eclipse update site
This allows you to download Anypoint Studio core and third-party components version 6.x.x and with an embedded version of Mule Runtime v3.8.x along with other optional components.
For a detailed description of the update site’s content visit the Studio in Eclipse section.
JIRA Ticket List for Anypoint Studio
New Features
STUDIO-7415 - [API Design to Implementation] Add ability to pull/push APIs from Studio to the Platform
STUDIO-7416 - [API Design to Implementation] Add API file synchronization information in a new view
STUDIO-7417 - [API Design to Implementation] Add visual diff between local/remote API files
STUDIO-7443 - [API Design to Implementation] Implement API from API Manager
STUDIO-7454 - [DW-UI] Improve remove mapping experience
STUDIO-7482 - Add new field "Expiration Time" to SAP global config
STUDIO-7512 - Simplified Fixed Width configuration experience
STUDIO-7513 - Generate flat file schema from Copybook
STUDIO-7584 - Bundle Anypoint MQ connector
STUDIO-7598 - [API Design to Implementation] Add ability to create an API from Studio and upload it to the platform
STUDIO-7599 - [RAML1.0] Implement JSON and XML types propagation in DataSense
STUDIO-7612 - [RAML1.0] Validate examples against declared types/schemas
STUDIO-7632 - [ApiKit for SOAP] Merge APIKit and APIKit for SOAP plugins
STUDIO-7633 - [ApiKit for SOAP] Create unified RAML/WSDL UX for New Project wizard
STUDIO-7634 - Update eclipse platform target to 4.5.2
STUDIO-7700 - Timezone attribute in Quartz connector and scheduler module
STUDIO-7703 - When exporting a mule application with raml files, the src/main/api folder should be at root level
STUDIO-7802 - [DW-UI] Create format screen for each type in fixed width
STUDIO-7866 - Add support for configuring queryTimeout in db operations
STUDIO-7867 - Add support for knownHostsFile attribute in sftp endpoint
Bug Fixes
STUDIO-2461 - In the SOAP dialog box, when operation is set to JAX-WS client, no browse button exists for setting the client class
STUDIO-4825 - New Database: bulk execute operation does not have a default value in the radio button
STUDIO-5680 - New Containers: when drag and drop a inbound endpoint from the composite source the process area the MP disappears from the canvas
STUDIO-5702 - Changing field value doesn’t mark file as unsaved
STUDIO-5833 - Wrong background color in certain components
STUDIO-5969 - User is able to drop any kind of message processor inside a choice-exception-strategy
STUDIO-6551 - Create new RAML file doesn’t add ".raml" extension if the file name ends with RAML
STUDIO-6931 - Debugger: Problem displaying where debugger stops when debugging mapping exception strategies
STUDIO-7064 - When 2.0.0+ GW runtime is not installed in studio you can not choose between 1.3.2 GW or 3.7.2 ESB runtimes
STUDIO-7116 - When copying and pasting flows with choices, the choice condition is not copied
STUDIO-7210 - Outline view does not work after going to the XML view.
STUDIO-7264 - Mule properties tab shows description label of unselected MP.
STUDIO-7405 - Munit and Breakpoint icons are superimposed in light theme
STUDIO-7429 - Studio fails to find flow in imported xml
STUDIO-7445 - [Palette] After searching in palette profile preferences, categories are expanded.
STUDIO-7472 - Problem with copy paste on canvas
STUDIO-7491 - [Palette] Palette view goes blank when creating a project.
STUDIO-7504 - DataSense is not propagated in flows generated by ApiKit.
STUDIO-7546 - Inconsistency in errors messages when no operation is selected in Connectors
STUDIO-7562 - [D2I] Filter search does not work properly
STUDIO-7563 - [D2I] Api results should be sorted by name - A to Z.
STUDIO-7567 - [D2I] Creating a project using API Platform, it doesn’t retrieve existing API files properly
STUDIO-7587 - High memory usage when redeploying an app while the debugger is running (in Studio 5.4.1 + Mule 3.7.3)
STUDIO-7588 - Studio freezes and crashes in version 5.4.1
STUDIO-7590 - [RAML1.0] It’s not possible to parse RAML files with includes from URLs.
STUDIO-7597 - Lists are being display as Maps instead of Arrays
STUDIO-7608 - Shortcut to open inspect window is not working.
STUDIO-7621 - Anypoint Studio is Crashing
STUDIO-7622 - SOAP Component in Anypoint Studio 5.3 version misses "Service Class" tab when the operation is Simple Client
STUDIO-7625 - [DW-UI] Dataweave List of Script Errors is keep increased
STUDIO-7626 - DW Grammar in Studio is not supporting nested functions after map operator
STUDIO-7628 - When creating a new element on canvas, the mule properties view shows the properties of the previously created element
STUDIO-7635 - Problem Importing projects with older versions of CCs
STUDIO-7636 - Studio + Dataweave - Cannot reset preference to delete associated resources
STUDIO-7638 - Wrong validation on threadWaitTimeout
STUDIO-7639 - Maven Populate Repo action shouldn’t overwrite existing artifacts in local repo
STUDIO-7642 - Studio fails to import proxies generated by API Platform
STUDIO-7647 - [DW-UI] Drag and Drop does not add As expression in Java collection
STUDIO-7648 - Function keys no longer working when switching perspectives
STUDIO-7650 - Properties in with double quote
STUDIO-7652 - Project import does not pick up correct runtime version
STUDIO-7654 - When typing a Mel expression, focus is lost by autocompletion.
STUDIO-7673 - Change labels for Flow generation to Generate flows from RAML and Generate from WSDL
STUDIO-7676 - Autocomplete doesn’t work with <tracking:metadata/>
STUDIO-7681 - Apikit router does not have Refresh Metada link.
STUDIO-7682 - NPE when opening CXF Editor
STUDIO-7685 - "Generate SOAP Flows" option should not be selectable if project does not use ApiKit
STUDIO-7686 - New icon and image for the API Sync window
STUDIO-7687 - Add a progress bar when loading APIs from Platform
STUDIO-7688 - Folder decorator is not correctly shown if it is empty.
STUDIO-7689 - Sync between Studio and Platform is not working properly.
STUDIO-7690 - Existing API without RAML file should not be selectable from Studio
STUDIO-7691 - [Apikit for SOAP] http bindings must not appear as an option in the wizard
STUDIO-7692 - [Apikit for SOAP] metadata options disappears once you lost focus on any of them using the SOAP Fault message processor
STUDIO-7693 - Opening a file inside of a folder in Api Sync , a NPE is thrown.
STUDIO-7697 - Deprecate global HTTP Response builder element in Mule 3.7.x and 3.8+
STUDIO-7698 - File created in Platform cannot be opened from Api Sync
STUDIO-7702 - Sync from project does not work when renaming and deleting files.
STUDIO-7704 - Studio performance is affected using some Apikit for soap projects
STUDIO-7706 - Disable download / upload options in Api Sync menu when correspond.
STUDIO-7708 - Compare files option is not working multiple times.
STUDIO-7709 - DataWeave: default window Size is too small (Windows OS)
STUDIO-7712 - Project import does not pick up project name specified in mule-project.xml from a .zip file
STUDIO-7714 - NPE when trying to push or pull API from package explorer
STUDIO-7715 - NPE when changing user in API Manager for APis window.
STUDIO-7718 - Remove Service Autodiscovery (deprecated) Global Configuration from Studio.
STUDIO-7719 - [Apikit for SOAP] Add feedback in the SOAP Router when adding an invalid WSDL file
STUDIO-7721 - Improve Copybook type definition window
STUDIO-7725 - [Apikit for SOAP] Studio can’t manage WSDL with references at same level or higher
STUDIO-7726 - Download API action copies the API file into an incorrect project
STUDIO-7727 - Download API action must update the StatusNode
STUDIO-7728 - [Apikit for SOAP] SOAP fault editor is broken
STUDIO-7729 - [Apikit for SOAP] Error when deleting wsdl reference from SOAP router
STUDIO-7730 - [6.0 beta BUG-001] Reference to a bean raises incorrect error message.
STUDIO-7731 - [Apikit for SOAP] Changes in Enable DataSense checkbox in SOAP Router not saved
STUDIO-7736 - Test Connection is not working due to the Merge with APIKit for SOAP
STUDIO-7739 - FollowRedirects attribute is true by default
STUDIO-7743 - Api Sync view goes blank when user authentication expires.
STUDIO-7744 - Folder decorators are being shown synchronized in Api Sync view when they are not.
STUDIO-7745 - [Deploy to AMC] Change file maximum size allowed to upload to 209715200 bytes
STUDIO-7746 - Error is thrown when refreshing a not connected project.
STUDIO-7748 - Deleting file from Platform, API sync view goes blank.
STUDIO-7749 - Compare tab is opened multiple times
STUDIO-7754 - Metadata not saved due to NullPointer on
STUDIO-7758 - Delete decorators over folders are not shown in Apy Sync
STUDIO-7761 - Error markers are not updated after saving changes without errors.
STUDIO-7772 - Api Compare view should only open once.
STUDIO-7775 - Refresh Metadata in Web Service consumer is not working
STUDIO-7776 - Disable download / upload options from menu when no project is selected.
STUDIO-7778 - Api sync view is not updated when deleting projects from package explorer
STUDIO-7779 - [RAML1.0] Raml editor does not validate in every change.
STUDIO-7780 - [RAML1.0] Autocomplete is lost after deleting any tag
STUDIO-7782 - [RAML1.0] There is not autocompletion when starting to type
STUDIO-7783 - [RAML1.0] Single and Multiple inheritance is not being parsed.
STUDIO-7787 - Conflict files cannot be uploaded or downloaded.
STUDIO-7788 - [RAML1.0] Properties with same name generates conflict in union type definition
STUDIO-7789 - [RAML1.0] Change autocompletion behavior for new RAML files
STUDIO-7793 - [Apikit for SOAP] Scaffolder only works for existing configurations
STUDIO-7794 - [RAML1.0] Raml editor does not validate included files existence
STUDIO-7795 - [RAML1.0] URL params are not being generated using RAML 1.0 files in HTTP Request
STUDIO-7796 - Autocompletion is displaying scala functions
STUDIO-7798 - DataWeave: can not create Metadata with copybook samples
STUDIO-7799 - [ApiKit] Introspecting a RAML file with spaces throws an exception
STUDIO-7800 - Selecting Flow-Ref hangs due to infinite loop
STUDIO-7801 - WSDL urls are not being parsed in Windows.
STUDIO-7808 - Modifying the display name of the flow or MP does not update the canvas
STUDIO-7809 - Fixed Width: DW runtime errors are not shown when opening the Preview
STUDIO-7810 - FixedWidth: text gets visually cut when editing the field name
STUDIO-7811 - FixedWidth: can not change the type of a Field
STUDIO-7813 - Fixed Width: there is no error when the schema is not configured in the Reader
STUDIO-7814 - Fixed Width: remove unused attributes from reader settings
STUDIO-7816 - [DW] Using expressions as child in objects is generating some slowness in the parsing
STUDIO-7817 - NPE thrown when using a logger with a MEL
STUDIO-7819 - Fixed Width: Improvements for Layout when defining type
STUDIO-7820 - Fixed Width: problem with boolean editor when defining type
STUDIO-7821 - Fixed Width: format pattern checkbox selection lost when editing the Metadata
STUDIO-7822 - Fixed Width: when defining the type and deleting a key the format button is left behind
STUDIO-7823 - Metadata: problem with Refresh Type
STUDIO-7825 - Fixed Width editor: when clicking on the button to format the type it always open in String
STUDIO-7826 - Fixed Width: when changing the type combo with the keyboard it takes too long to render
STUDIO-7828 - Fixed Width: date and datetime format is not saved in the schema
STUDIO-7834 - Changes in the Authentication preferences does not upload Api Sync view
STUDIO-7836 - Network is unreachable error when trying to retrieve APIs without Internet.
STUDIO-7837 - Token field cannot be erase when editing it.
STUDIO-7838 - Disable all buttons when there is any project or file selected.
STUDIO-7839 - Not connected projects can be expanded in the API view
STUDIO-7840 - When deleting current sync user, Api sync view goes blank.
STUDIO-7841 - Files cannot be deleted from Studio to Platform.
STUDIO-7842 - Deleting same file from Platform and Studio, generates wrong file status
STUDIO-7843 - Local folders with same name, generates wrong folder structure in the Api Sync view
STUDIO-7844 - Package explorer does not get updated after syncing it with the Api Sync view.
STUDIO-7845 - Cannot upload an entire API from Studio to Platform into one request.
STUDIO-7848 - [SE-3403] DataSense fails with ClassCastException
STUDIO-7850 - FlatFiles: NPE thrown when generating Script
STUDIO-7851 - Display name isn’t updated unless I switch to XML view
STUDIO-7852 - When importing API that uses a domain, the domain is generated without listeners.
STUDIO-7855 - When using autodiscovery on Mule 3.8.0 or later, Studio displays incorrect warning about missing ID.
STUDIO-7857 - [D2I] Changes on the workspace should be reflected on the view as soon as they are made.
STUDIO-7859 - Provide better validation messages in HTTP request.
STUDIO-7860 - When importing API with domain, wrong Runtime is assigned.
STUDIO-7868 - Errors in the the ".repository" folder should not be shown in Problems view.
STUDIO-7872 - [RAML1.0] Custom media types are shown as not valid in Raml 1.0
STUDIO-7877 - [RAML1.0] Error markers are not displayed correctly when they come from included files
STUDIO-7879 - Inconsistency in errors messages when method field is empty in HTTP Request
STUDIO-7880 - Metadata Dialog: resize the window so that it doesn’t cut the Fixed Width table
STUDIO-7881 - Metadata Dialog: you are able to delete and select a type when nothing is selected
STUDIO-7883 - FlatFiles: when using an schema with no structures and with segments, the list of segments should be shown when creating the metadata
STUDIO-7884 - Fixed Width: key names are shown twice in the tree
STUDIO-7885 - FlatFiles: NPE when selecting metadata
STUDIO-7886 - Problem with import
STUDIO-7888 - Metadata dialog: in Windows the default size it’s too small
STUDIO-7889 - Fixed Width: In Windows the default format window is too small and can not be resized
STUDIO-7890 - Fixed Width: when setting the metadata in the input the Schema property in the reader should be set
STUDIO-7891 - Fixed Width: when the schema location is not valid you get a Stream closed error
STUDIO-7892 - Metadata: Input tree not refreshed when modifying type from the output tree
STUDIO-7893 - NPE when moving a mp into a choice
STUDIO-7894 - Deleting a mp inside of a choice mp, the arrow line is not deleted.
STUDIO-7895 - Hover selector is not deleted when undoing hovered component.
STUDIO-7896 - NPE when MP retrieving metadata and closing its editor
STUDIO-7897 - IndexOutOfBounds exception when moving MP’s from a flow to a subflow
STUDIO-7898 - Invalid thread access studio import
STUDIO-7900 - Custom Metadata Definition: can’t resize CSV window on Windows
STUDIO-7901 - Copybook: Preview is not being shown in the Metadata definition Window
STUDIO-7902 - Copybook: when setting the type in DW the schema path is not added
STUDIO-7908 - Custom Metadata Definition: Copybook schema file and structure identification lost
STUDIO-7909 - [DW-UI] Script is throwing an error if the namespace used is not defined
STUDIO-7910 - Custom Metadata: Flat File metadata configuration lost
STUDIO-7912 - Connector-Ref field is constantly filled with Unknown global element
STUDIO-7913 - src/main/api folder is not refreshed when creating a new project sync with Platform
STUDIO-7914 - Upload the entire project option does not work if the api.raml is involved.
STUDIO-7917 - [RAML1.0] Raml editor should show error when having duplicated types
STUDIO-7918 - Deploy to CH when using API Gateway app is incorrect due to mandatory properties not being populated.
STUDIO-7919 - Manage Metadata Types: the type is not refreshed in the tree when saved
STUDIO-7920 - Api files from platform are not copied to Studio if the api.raml file has errors
STUDIO-7926 - Studio decorates projects that are not mule projects
STUDIO-7927 - Add BETA label to Copybook and Flat Files format
STUDIO-7929 - Flat Files: When using Structures the Metadata should be a MAP when using Segments it should be a List
STUDIO-7931 - Studio light theme does not work when unknown elements are in the canvas
STUDIO-7933 - [RAML1.0] Studio does not copy to the project the referenced files when using 'uses'
STUDIO-7934 - Studio UI - studio 5.4.3 build id 201603290717 user cannot use UI
STUDIO-7935 - Wrong decorators in Api Sync view when uploading an api folder
STUDIO-7936 - DW: Problem with Sample Data editor
STUDIO-7937 - Enable always the refresh button in the Api Sync view
STUDIO-7938 - Wrong status in Api sync view when manual and automatic sync job are triggered at the same time
STUDIO-7942 - Classpath isolation is not working when retrieving metadata
STUDIO-7943 - Flat File: Stream closed error in preview does not give any clue of what is the issue
STUDIO-7946 - Flat File: Problem with Slash Bar in Flat File metadata across different OSs
STUDIO-7953 - FlatFiles encoding setting is not being shown in reader configurations
STUDIO-7959 - DW: Problem with spacing and Warning icon in input tree
STUDIO-7960 - [DW-UI] Set Metadata is not cleaning the reader properties
STUDIO-7962 - [DW-UI] Clear metadata is not deleting previous properties
STUDIO-7965 - D2I’s url must be selected from Preferences page
STUDIO-7968 - Remove "Connect API Manager" option from the right click menu.
STUDIO-7969 - Filter *.meta files from Api Sync view
STUDIO-7970 - Change label’s name for upload and download option from right click menu in Api Sync view.
STUDIO-7971 - Empty api.raml file not created in src/main/api
STUDIO-7972 - file not created in an empty apikit project
STUDIO-7984 - Fixed Width metadata editor fails on load metadata without format configuration
STUDIO-8000 - NPE opening HTTP request view when referencing a invalid RAML file
STUDIO-8001 - HTTP Request operation’s parameters are not being automatically generated.
STUDIO-8002 - HTTP Request parameters are being deleted when opening HTTP view.
STUDIO-8003 - Filter .repository folder when selecting raml files in HTTP Request.
STUDIO-8007 - Metadata should be shown without ordering in Metadata definition
STUDIO-6811 - [Custom Metadata Definition] Should support wrap existing types in a collection
STUDIO-7292 - Upgrade SAP to latest version of connector
STUDIO-7464 - Add a checkbox field to show only the latest Anypoint Connector Dependencies
STUDIO-7543 - DataWeave: add separation line between script and toolbar in the Sample Data Editor
STUDIO-7585 - Simplify Flat File schema definition format
STUDIO-7663 - Project import does not pick up project name specified in mule-project.xml
STUDIO-7674 - Add pin option to Mule inspect window.
STUDIO-7677 - Operation selection dropdown should have type-ahead functionality
STUDIO-7683 - Remove Refresh link for MPs without metadata
STUDIO-7699 - [DW-UI] Improve sample data creation behavior
STUDIO-7710 - [DW-UI] adding option to provide sample file when creating fixed width metadata
STUDIO-7722 - Change Choice default box design for the S.Gather async box design
STUDIO-7733 - [DW-UI] Drag and drop for elements inside list should take the first element if there is not map action
STUDIO-7737 - [D2I] Remove pull and push options from Package Explorer
STUDIO-7740 - [DW-UI] Improving autocomplete for filter selector
STUDIO-7771 - Improve message processor path calculation in order to improve performance
STUDIO-7791 - Add placeholder in the Connector Configuration field
STUDIO-7792 - Fix domain deploy properties file
STUDIO-7803 - Remove the "Enable DataSense" checkbox from editors
STUDIO-7812 - Add an go to option in the right click menu on the flow-ref mp.
STUDIO-7829 - Add placeholders when there are not values in the credentials and organization fields
STUDIO-7831 - Eliminate wrong error maker in authentication preference page
STUDIO-7833 - Add placeholder in credential field when you are not logged in with any user.
STUDIO-7846 - Even a Apikit project does not have a valid zip, copy zip files into the project.
STUDIO-7854 - Ask for credentials before you can open the APIs manage window
STUDIO-7858 - Improve manage metadata capabilities and select metadata editor
STUDIO-7869 - [RAML1.0] Add missing header validation in raml files
STUDIO-7878 - Anypoint Studio - HTTP Connector (any connector) - XML Config auto import issue
STUDIO-7915 - Show the automatic sync job only when it really refreshes files on the projects
STUDIO-7939 - Add a pop up when trying to delete the api.raml file and upload it to Platform.
STUDIO-7940 - Add an processing icon in the Api Sync view
STUDIO-7967 - Automatically selection of the API which has just been created.
STUDIO-7481 - Add new URI in API Manager configuration
STUDIO-7741 - Change SOAPKit scaffolder api calls, to provide domains support
STUDIO-7958 - Upgrade SAP libraries to 3.0.0
STUDIO-7964 - Create 3.8.0 CE runtime plugin
STUDIO-7996 - Enable right-click > "Associate API Gateway domain" for 3.8.x projects
STUDIO-7594 - [RAML1.0] APIKit Editor support for RAML 1.0
STUDIO-7595 - [RAML1.0] HTTP Request support for RAML 1.0
STUDIO-7596 - [RAML1.0] RAML Editor support for RAML 1.0
STUDIO-7602 - [RAML1.0] Show error markers
STUDIO-7603 - [RAML1.0] Provide suggestions in RAML editor
STUDIO-7609 - Please remove all mentions to XML version from SAP connector editors
JIRA Ticket List for DataWeave
Bug Fixes
MDF-107 - lookup function should only be executed once
MDF-145 - Dataweave - multiple outputs do not use original input payload in subsequent steps.
MDF-148 - DataType in lookups are wrong
MDF-150 - Weave fails if the /tmp dir doesn’t exist
MDF-151 - Flow Ref Not Working with json
MDF-153 - Attributes are not persisted between function calls
MDF-169 - Iterators not working as expected
MDF-173 - joinBy throws exception with empty array
MDF-174 - Avg Min Max Reduce Not Working with empty arrays
MDF-177 - Inconsistency between distinctBy, equals and contains
MDF-178 - Json Parser not parsing correct numbers
MDF-187 - Variable resolution is not working as expected
MDF-193 - Dataweave - Add the ability to quote headers in CSV
MDF-195 - Can’t change or specify locale when parsing dates
MDF-198 - DataWeave plugin references repository-master
MDF-200 - Fixed Width: cant' create a simple output fixed width message
MDF-201 - FlatFiles: Improve package and classes names
MDF-203 - Fixed Width: incompatibility with datetime function in DataWeave
MDF-210 - Fixed Width: boolean type is not working
MDF-216 - FlatFiles: runtime is not able to read the flat files IndexOutOfBoundsException
MDF-156 - DataWeave cannot transform from String to Enum
MDF-207 - Flat file reader needs to take an encoding
New Features
MDF-144 - Add support for ignoreEmptyLines in csv reader
MDF-152 - DataWeave Notification System
MDF-159 - Add mathematical operators
MDF-161 - Add immediate execution mode (no output-handler)
MDF-171 - Simplified flat file schema and structures
MDF-185 - Add a function to parse strings with different contentTypes
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