Anypoint Studio Update Sites
Anypoint Studio uses update sites to update both itself and embedded versions of Mule runtime engine and MUnit.
Access an Update Site
Navigate to Help > Install New Software.
In the Work with field, select one of the update sites.
Add Additional Update Sites
To add a new update site for installing additional components to Studio:
Navigate to Help > Install New Software.
Click Add….
In Name, add a name to identify the update site.
In Location, type the URL of the update site.
Click OK.
Add a Local Update Site
To add a local update site ensure that your update site is a JAR or ZIP file format and complete the following steps:
Navigate to Help > Install New Software.
Select Add….
In Location, select Archive .
Select the ZIP or JAR file of your update site.
In Name, add a name to identify the update site.
Select OK
Follow the instructions that appear to complete the update site installation.
Allow Connection to Update Site Through Firewall
If you are on a network that has firewall restrictions, you must allow the URLs of the update sites to download extensions:
Navigate to Help > Install New Software.
Click Manage…. The list of available software is displayed:
Add the URLs from the Location column to your firewall list of allowed URLs.