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Connector to RESTful Service with Jersey Client Example

This discussion presents the steps required to build a Jersey Client connector for a RESTful web service. Jersey interacts with the service, and maps JSON to and from Java objects.

This example uses Dropbox’s RESTful service. In practice, building a Dropbox connector might be more simply achieved using an existing Java client library, but this serves as a useful example nonetheless.

This document leads you through building the connector, beginning with the service endpoint, documentation for the service, and its supported resources and operations.


  • You are familiar with RESTful Web services.

  • You have some understanding of Jersey. Useful background on Jersey is in the Jersey User Guide.

The straightforward path described here should produce a working connector for any RESTful API that uses JSON to represent requests and responses. Note:

  • Jersey is the JAX-RS reference implementation, and is widely used for developing Java clients for RESTful Web services. Jersey also adds JAX-RS additional features and utilities, further simplifying RESTful service and client development.

  • This example uses the common 1.x branch of Jersey. Mule currently uses Jersey v1.6, so refer to the Jersey 1.6 User Guide for details where needed.

  • Internally, Jersey Client will use Jackson to perform this mapping. Some implementation details in this discussion are Jackson-specific.

  • This sample implements OAuth1 authentication. Find a more detailed discussion of implementing OAuth1 support (with reference to the same sample code) in Implementing OAuth 1.0 Authentication. Implementing OAuth2 support is similar; see Implementing OAuth 2.0 Authentication for more details.

  • MuleSoft recommends and documents the Jersey Client-based approach, based on success with Jersey in MuleSoft-developed connectors, but you can also use other frameworks, such as Apache CXF, to create RESTful clients.

Connector Architecture with Jersey Client

Starting with a new connector project:

  • Create a @Connector class and add authentication logic.

  • Create Java classes (unless you are using Maps) that represent any entities passed to or returned from the service operations.

  • Build a Jersey-based client in Java that works against the web service API, and converts POJOs or Maps to and from JSON for use in Mule.

  • Wrap the Jersey-based client class with the @Connector class that integrates it with Mule.

Dropbox RESTful Example Connector

The sample connector used in this discussion connects to DropBox’s Core API. Find the connector source code on GitHub.

The connector exposes the API operation GET which retrieves information about the Dropbox Account resource, documented here.

A typical response to this method looks like:

    "referral_link": "",
    "display_name": "John P. User",
    "uid": 12345678,
    "country": "US",
    "quota_info": {
        "shared": 253738410565,
        "quota": 107374182400000,
        "normal": 680031877871

Note that the account information is a JSON object with several fields, which in turn contains a nested JSON object for account quota information. The connector will have to translate both of these JSON objects to POJOs for the response to be consumable in Mule.

The connector also exposes a second operation at the Mule level. LogInfo logs the OAuth access token and access token secret (but does not at any time call the Dropbox web service). You may want to include similar debugging utility operations in a connector during development.

Development Process Outline

There are several major tasks in developing a connector with Jersey Client:

  1. Assuming you’ve prepared an initial connector project:

    1. Add Jersey and Jackson dependencies to POM

    2. Create any client or entities packages

    3. Rebuild project with the new dependencies

  2. Create Jersey Client class

    1. Enable Jersey Client JSON-POJO mapping

  3. Create Connector class

    1. Add OAuth

    2. Build and test connector

  4. Add an operation

    1. Add operation to client class, and add required POJOs to project

    2. Expose client operation via Connector class

    3. Build and test manually (Optional)

    4. Define and run unit tests and Javadoc examples

Prepared Connector Project

Once you have created a connector project as described in Creating a Connector Project, you must add Jersey, Jackson, and JSON-related dependencies to the POM, and create packages and classes you will use in your connector before adding operations.

Adding Dependencies to the POM

The following <dependency> elements add Jersey, Jackson, and Mule JSON support to your project:

POM Dependencies for Jersey, Jackson and JSON

<!-- Add this to use Jersey Client -->

    <!-- Add this to use Mule support for JSON based on Jackson -->


Add these to the <dependencies> element in your POM, along with any other dependencies required by your project. For example, the Dropbox sample connector adds the following additional dependency for OAuth support:

<!-- Add this to use OAuth support in DevKit-->

The complete POM for the Dropbox sample connector project as generated from the Devkit 3.5 connector Maven archetype is below.

Dropbox RESTful Connector pom.xml

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <name>Mule ${serviceName} Cloud Connector</name>
        <category>Cloud Connectors</category>
        <serviceName>DropBox REST Sample</serviceName>

        <!-- required for Jersey Client -->

        <!-- Add this to use OAuth support in DevKit-->

        <!-- Add this to use Jersey Client -->

        <!-- Add this to use Mule support for JSON -->



Creating Packages for Supporting Classes

For example. the Dropbox REST Connector uses the following organization to support the different classes used in its connector:

  • Package org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.client contains the Jersey Client code class

  • Package org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exception defines exceptions that can be thrown by the connector:

    • DropboxRestConnectorTokenExpiredException: a security/authentication exception

    • DropboxRestConnectorException: a catchall exception

  • Package org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.entities contains two POJOs: AccountInfo and QuotaInfo. These represent the results from the Dropbox API.

The entity classes will typically wind up as incoming or outgoing payloads for operations on your connector. One way to know whether your connector will need entity classes is to look at any documentation or metadata you have about requests and responses. Wherever you see any JSON Arrays or complex Objects, you will need corresponding entity classes.

For now, create the package but don’t populate it with classes.

If your connector will be presenting only Maps to Mule, then you probably won’t need to create this package. Only use Maps if your connector is presenting a dynamic data model.

Rebuilding the Project with New Dependencies

Now that your POM file includes these additions, perform a clean build and install of your project. Doing so now is a convenient way to spot any errors in your POM before you start doing any real coding.

Run the following Maven command on the command line from the directory where the project exists:

mvn clean install

This command invokes Maven with two goals:

  1. 'Clean' tells Maven to wipe out all previous build contents.

  2. 'Install' tells Maven to:

    1. Compile all the code for the project

    2. Run any defined tests

    3. Package the compiled code as an Eclipse update site.

    4. Install it in the local Maven repository.

Any failure during this process, such as a failed build or test, will stop Maven from attempting subsequent goals. See Introduction to the Build Lifecycle at the Apache Maven project web site for more details on Maven builds.

Your preferred IDE should have support for this process as well. For example, in Eclipse if you have m2eclipse installed, you can select the project and invoke Run as > Maven Build.

Create Client Class and @Connector Class

The client class does the real work of preparing and making calls to the remote web service. It serializes and deserializes the request and response entities as JSON. The @Connector class creates an instance of the client class when needed, and calls methods to perform operations on resources. The two related tasks here are to create the client class, and update the @Connector class to instantiate and reference it.

The client class builds on functionality provided by the Jersey Client. See the Jersey 1.6 User Guide for more information.

Required Imports for the Client Class

The client class will require at least the following imports to pick up Jackson and Jersey Client and supporting functionality.

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.*;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONConfiguration;

Additional imports may be needed for Jersey and Jackson, depending on their use in your particular client. For example, the sample client uses the following imports for OAuth functionality in Jersey:

import com.sun.jersey.oauth.client.OAuthClientFilter;
import com.sun.jersey.oauth.signature.OAuthParameters;
import com.sun.jersey.oauth.signature.OAuthSecrets;

The client class in the sample client does not make direct calls to Jackson, so no imports are required.

Expect to add more imports as you add operations. For example, in case you need to pick up any entity classes and exceptions.

Client Class Properties and Constructor

The easiest way to understand how to build your client class constructor is to look at the constructor for the sample connector’s client class.

public class DropboxClient {
    private Client client;

* a Jersey client instance

    private WebResource apiResource;
    private RestJerseyConnector connector;

    public DropboxClient(RestJerseyConnector connector) {
        ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();

*enable support for JSON to POJO entity mapping in Jersey

        clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
        this.client = Client.create(clientConfig);
        this.apiResource = this.client.resource(getConnector().getApiUrl() + "/" + getConnector().getApiVersion());


* getters, setters and other methods omitted



  • Certain @Connector class values are used frequently in the client class code:

  • API URL and version

  • Operations for OAuth

    • Consumer key

    • Access token

    • Consumer secret

    • Access token secret

  • Without passing @Connector class values to every operation or defining them in two places:

    • Such values are defined as properties on the @Connector class

    • An instance of the @Connector class is passed into the client class constructor and stored as a property on the client class

  • Every client operation will use instances of com.sun.jersey.api.Client (the actual Jersey client instance) and com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource (which represents the top level resource on the service), so these are created in the constructor and stored on the client class’s client. and apiResource properties. (Getters and setters for these instances are defined, but that code is omitted here.)

Enabling Jersey Client JSON-to-POJO Mapping

To configure a Jersey client instance to enable optional functionality, such as support to map JSON content to POJOs:

  1. Create an instance of ClientConfig

  2. Set the desired options

  3. Pass the ClientConfig to the Client.create() method.

In this case, adding the feature JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING enables the mapping of JSON responses to Java objects.

You will need this functionality regardless of whether you are using a static data model with POJOs for your entities, or a dynamic data model with Maps for your entities.

Later, define the entities passed to and from the class with annotations on the entity classes to control how JSON documents are mapped to object instances.

Note that while Jackson is the default provider of serialization/deserialization for Jersey, you can substitute other providers, such as GSON. Also, note that using a different provider will change how you map the service’s JSON documents to your connector’s entity classes; the documentation for your serialization provider will offer more information.

Client Class Code, Before Adding Operations and Authentication

The complete code for our sample connector, before adding operations and references to entities used: Before Adding Operations

package org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.client;


import com.sun.jersey.api.client.*;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONConfiguration;
import com.sun.jersey.oauth.client.OAuthClientFilter;
import com.sun.jersey.oauth.signature.OAuthParameters;
import com.sun.jersey.oauth.signature.OAuthSecrets;
import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.RestJerseyConnector;
import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.entities.AccountInfo;
import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exception.RestJerseyConnectorException;
import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exception.RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException;

public class DropboxClient {

    private Client client;
    private WebResource apiResource;
    private RestJerseyConnector connector;

    public DropboxClient(RestJerseyConnector connector) {

        ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
        clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
        this.client = Client.create(clientConfig);
        this.apiResource = this.client.resource(getConnector().getApiUrl() + "/" + getConnector().getApiVersion());

    public Client getClient() {
        return client;

    public void setClient(Client client) {
        this.client = client;

    public WebResource getApiResource() {
        return addSignHeader(apiResource);

    public void setApiResource(WebResource apiResource) {
        this.apiResource = apiResource;

    public RestJerseyConnector getConnector() {
        return connector;

    public void setConnector(RestJerseyConnector connector) {
        this.connector = connector;

Completing the @Connector Class

Maven generated a skeleton @Connector class for you when you created your connector project. Now you will enhance it to add needed properties (some of them @Configurable), initialize the client class when the @Connector is initialized, and add authentication functionality.

Your connector will use @Configurable properties for a few purposes such as:

  • Changing the API root resource URL and version for the service to target a specific sandbox or test system instead of a production environment

  • Storing authentication-related values the user must configure.

    • For OAuth:the API key and API secret

    • Basic authentication: a username and password.

There may also be properties that are not @Configurable but that are used internally. For the example, OAuth1 support needs certain properties for the access token and access token secret.

Create properties as needed for all of these:

     * Dropbox API Url
    @Configurable @Optional @Default("")
    private String apiUrl;

     * Dropbox API version
    @Configurable @Optional @Default("1")
    private String apiVersion;

     * The ApiKey
    @Configurable @OAuthConsumerKey
    private String consumerKey;
     * The consumerSecret
    @Configurable @OAuthConsumerSecret
    private String consumerSecret;

    private String accessToken;

    private String accessTokenSecret;


The @Connector Class @Start Method and the Client Class

The @Connector class in this instance does NOT have a constructor. Most of its instance properties are configuration properties. Instead, a @Start method leverages the Mule life cycle to create an instance of the client class when first needed. It’s then saved in an instance variable on the @Connector class:

private DropboxClient client;

    public void init() {
        setClient(new DropboxClient(this));

See Integrating Connectors with the Mule Life Cycle for details on the use of the @Start annotation.

This example illustrates a useful pattern you can follow in your own connectors.

  • The client class constructor takes a reference to the @Connector class instance. The properties of the @Connector class (including configurable properties) are readily available in the client by calling the getters and setters. This is far easier than passing @Connector properties to individual operations as single arguments.

  • The @Connector class instance saves a reference to the client class instance, which can be used to call methods on the client class. This instance can also be used in a @Stop method, thus tying the lifecycle of the client class instance to the @Connector class instance.

Adding OAuth Authentication

Supporting OAuth 1.0a authentication requires changes in both the @Connector class and the client class:

  • Import OAuth packages

  • Add OAuth annotations to the @Connector class as required for authentication

  • Adding OAuth-related @Configurable properties

    • API key

    • API secret

    • Access token

    • Access token secret (including setters and getters)

  • Include the client class code to pass OAuth 1.0a request headers with each request

Implementing OAuth 1.0 Authentication discusses the code changes for OAuth support in detail, with reference to the same code sample used in this discussion.

Building and Testing your Connector

At this point, your connector project has all the necessary elements to build and install in Studio. It’s a handy sanity check to before you start adding operations.

The process is described in Installing and Testing Your Connector.

Building the bare-bones version of the Jersey client connector and installing it in Studio gives you a component in the palette to drag and drop into a canvas.

Adding an Operation to the Connector

To add an operation to a connector, you must:

  • Define any entity classes used with the operation, and any new exceptions to be raised

  • In the client class, add Jersey code to call to the operation, and to serialize and deserialize results

  • Add a @Processor method to the @Connector class to expose the operation to Mule

Apply a Test-Driven Approach

When it comes to adding operations to your connector, many successful projects follow a cycle similar to test-driven development.

First, identify detailed requirements for the operation:

  • Entities (POJOs or Maps with specific content) it can accept as inputs or return as responses.

  • Responses expected for a range of valid and invalid inputs.

  • Any exceptions the operation may raise, in the event of service unavailability, authentication failure, invalid inputs, and so on.

Then, iterate through the following cycle until you have completed all your planned functionality:

  1. Create JUnit tests that cover the expected behaviors.

  2. Implement functionality to satisfy those requirements:

    1. Define entities (and annotate them as needed for mapping to/from JSON).

    2. Create or enhance a method in the client class and a @Processor methods in the @Connector class.

    3. Update your @Connector class with required code snippet comments.

    4. Run a Maven build to run the JUnit tests and fix any errors until all tests pass.

Continue until you cover all the functionality for each operation. When complete, you have a complete validation suite for your connector to catch any regressions in the event of changes in the target service, the connector itself, Mule ESB, or DevKit.

You may ask, "When do I try my connector in Studio? Why can’t I just test manually?" It is useful (and gratifying) to manually test each operation as you go, in addition to the automated JUnit tests:

  • You get to see basic operation functionality in action as you work on it

  • You get to see how the connector appears in the Studio UI, something the automated unit tests cannot show you

Testing in Studio will provide the opportunity to polish the usability of the connector, improve the experience with sensible defaults and better Javadoc comments to populate tooltips, and so on.

However, this does not diminish the value of the test-driven approach. Many connector development projects bog down or produce hard-to-use or unreliable connectors because of a failure to provide a well-planned test suite. It seems like (and is) more work up front, but it does pay off with a better result, faster.

Defining and Annotating Entity Classes

Defining entity classes (POJOs or Maps) used with your connector operations is up to you – you decide the object model your connector operations presents to the rest of Mule. Once you define these classes, you also have to define how to map between the JSON structure and your POJOs. You should add these incrementally, as they are needed by the operations you build.

Internally, Jersey relies on a Jackson-based serialization provider to marshal and un-marshal JSON documents to the object classes passed to and from your connector. This process relies upon Jackson annotations that describe how to map the fields of your entity POJOs to the structure of the JSON content being returned by the Web service.

The details on the Jackson annotations used for this purpose are in the Jackson Databind annotations documentation and the full Jackson annotations documentation.

Note that the @Generated annotation on class AccountInfo indicates that this class definition was produced using the jsonschema2pojo utility. If you don’t want to come up with your own data model, you can also make use of jsonschema2pojo to generate class definitions from sample JSON documents.

Online Tool

Covering all possible permutations of mapping a JSON schema or document to a POJO using Jackson is beyond the scope of this document. One way to quickly produce an object model from JSON documents returned by a Web service is to use the jsonschema2pojo project and online utility . This utility was used to produce the entity classes in this example. You can see the final results in the project entity class code in GitHub and particularly for the above code snippet, the AccountInfo class.

Mapping the class and its members to a JSON document requires a few changes:

  • Annotate the entity class to configure JSON serialization:

    @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL)
    @JsonPropertyOrder({ "referral_link", "display_name", "uid", "country", "quota_info" })
    public class AccountInfo {
  • Add the @JsonProperty annotation to the entity class instance properties (and their getters and setters):

        private String referralLink;
        public String getReferralLink() {
            return referralLink;
        public void setReferralLink(String referralLink) {
            this.referralLink = referralLink;

Implement the Operation in the Client Class

Next you will add code to the client class to make the Web Service request via Jersey Client.

Helper: Adding Authentication to Jersey Client Requests

Depending on what method of authentication you are using, you will probably have to make code changes in both the @Connector and client classes to implement each operation called on the target service.

In the sample connector, the DropBox API uses OAuth 1.0 to access protected resources. Authentication requires including an authorization header when sending each request.

Jersey provides a filter chaining mechanism for modifying requests, which can be used to add the header. Because this step is needed for any operation protected by OAuth, the sample uses a convenience method addSignHeader:

     * Adds the required OAuthClientFilter to insert the required header when the WebResource is used
     * to access the protected resources of the DropBox API
     * @param webResource The WebResource in which the header will be added
    private WebResource addSignHeader(WebResource webResource) {
        OAuthParameters params = new OAuthParameters();
        OAuthSecrets secrets = new OAuthSecrets();
        OAuthClientFilter filter = new OAuthClientFilter(client.getProviders(), params, secrets);
        return webResource;

For more information, see the OAuthClientFilter documentation.

Helper: Executing a Request via Jersey

Making any request requires:

  1. Marshaling inbound objects to JSON

  2. Calling the Web service,

  3. Unmarshaling the response,

  4. Handling response status codes and exceptions.

As with authentication, use a helper method to encapsulate all these repeated steps. In the sample client class, method execute() implements all this logic:

     * Executes the Dropbox request
    private <T> T execute(WebResource webResource, String method, Class<T> returnClass) throws RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException,
            RestJerseyConnectorException {
        ClientResponse clientResponse = webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).method(method, ClientResponse.class);
        if(clientResponse.getStatus() == 200) {
            return clientResponse.getEntity(returnClass);
        } else if (clientResponse.getStatus() == 401) {
            throw new RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException("The access token has expired; " +
        } else {
            throw new RestJerseyConnectorException(
                    String.format("ERROR - statusCode: %d - message: %s",
                            clientResponse.getStatus(), clientResponse.getEntity(String.class)));

Handling Exceptions

As already noted, define any exceptions that may arise in your connector in a separate exceptions package. At a minimum, you need a general catch-all exception. Specific exceptions may also be useful to diagnose failures more easily, such as authentication-related failures, application-level errors, and so on. The execute() method above is a good place to centralize your exception-handling code, since it passes all requests for all operations.

For our sample connector, package org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exception contains two exceptions: a catchall RestJerseyConnectorException and the OAuth-related RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException.

Note also that the execute() method provides a well-formatted error message. This step improves your ability to diagnose the issue if your connector encounters an error. You may want to put more verbose information here, such as the message sent, the HTTP request method, and so on.

As you develop your test cases, your tests of invalid or failed requests can check for messages associated with the correct exception.

Use the @InvalidateConnectionOn annotation to handle the reconnection. If the connector uses @OAuth as the authentication method, use @OAuthInvalidateAccessTokenOn(exception = MyAccessTokenExpiredException.class).

Creating the Operation Client Method

With those helper classes in place, the actual client method to make a request of a resource is quite short. For the example, the getAccountInfo() method makes a GET request of the /account/info resource:

     * Returns the Account Information of the user
     * @return The AccountInfo
     * @throws org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exceptions.RestJerseyConnectorException If the response is an error or the response cannot be parsed as an AccountInfo
     * @throws org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exceptions.RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException If the current token used for the call to the service is no longer valid
    public AccountInfo getAccountInfo()
            throws RestJerseyConnectorException, RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException {
        WebResource webResource = getApiResource().path("account").path("info");
        return execute(webResource, "GET", AccountInfo.class);

Exposing the Operation in the @Connector Class

To expose an operation from the client class on the @Connector class, you will need to add a @Processor method that calls the corresponding method on the Jersey client.

  1. Update the @Connector class to import any entity and exception classes needed to call the client class operation.

  2. Define a @Processor method on the @Connector class, named for the operation.

    1. Annotate the method as needed for authentication.

  3. The parameters to this method must match the parameters to expose at the Mule ESB level (in the XML configuration or in the property dialog).

    1. Annotate the parameters to control default and optional values, their desired positions in Studio property dialogs, and so on.

  4. The method body should call the operation method on the client class, pass the appropriate object, and return the value to be set to the payload.

For our getAccountInfo operation, we add the following imports in the @Connector class:

import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.entities.AccountInfo;
import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exceptions.RestJerseyConnectorException;
import org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exceptions.RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException;

The @Processor method that exposes the getAccountInfo operation is as follows:

     * Returns the Account Information of the user
     * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/rest-jersey-connector.xml.sample rest-jersey:get-account-info}
     * @return The AccountInfo object
     * @throws org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exceptions.RestJerseyConnectorException If the response is an error or the response cannot be parsed as an AccountInfo
     * @throws org.mule.examples.restjerseyconnector.exceptions.RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException If the current token used for the call to the service is no longer valid
    public AccountInfo getAccountInfo() throws RestJerseyConnectorException, RestJerseyConnectorTokenExpiredException {
        return getClient().getAccountInfo();

Adding XML Configuration Examples for JavaDoc

DevKit enforces Javadoc documentation of the connector’s operations, including samples of XML configuration for each supported operation. These are used in the generated JavaDoc for the connector. Learn more about JavaDoc annotations for DevKit.

In the @Connector class source code, the following comment links the method to its required XML sample:

*{@sample.xml ../../../doc/rest-jersey-connector.xml.sample rest-jersey:get-account-info}

You will see the sample code snippets file in the doc folder in the DevKit generated project.

DevKit created this file, but we need to populate it with example Mule XML configurations for each operation. For this example, add the following to the file to document the operation:

<!-- BEGIN_INCLUDE(rest-jersey:get-account-info) -->
    <rest-jersey:get-account-info />
<!-- END_INCLUDE(rest-jersey:get-account-info) -->

When you build the JavaDoc, the sample above will be inserted into the documentation.

Manually Testing your Connector

You can build and test your connector manually in Studio once you have completed all the steps above. See Installing and Testing Your Connector for the steps to follow to build your connector and import it into Studio.

DevKit does not force you to add unit tests for your connector, though as noted earlier, this is strongly recommended. If you have added unit tests that your connector does not pass, your Maven builds fail. You can temporarily bypass your unit tests by adding the argument -Dmaven.test.skip=true to your Maven command. For example:

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Once you have imported your connector into Studio, you will see it in the palette, and you can use it in flows. The Properties Editor shows your operations.

Note the Authorize and Unauthorize operations that are added automatically by DevKit to any OAuth connector.

See Also

Congratulations! You have a connector that works well enough to install in Studio and to pass basic unit tests. Now,