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Running the WebApp Example with Tomcat

You can use the following steps to get the Mule ESB webapp example working with the management console and Tomcat. These steps take you through the process of adding a set of .jar files needed for the console to the existing .war file.

  • Use either mvn or \{\{vn package}}to build the Mule ESB webapp example.

  • Create a directory structure called: ..\ADDED_JARS\WEB-INF\lib

  • Add the following .jar files into the mule-examples.war file:

    • groovy-all-1.6.7.jar

    • jetty-6.1.26.jar

    • jetty-util-6.1.26.jar

    • mmc-agent-mule3-impl-3.1.0.jar

    • mule-core-ee-3.1.0.jar

    • mule-module-scripting-3.1.0.jar

    • quartz-all-1.6.0-osgi.jar

    • spring-webmvc-3.0.3-RELEASE.jar

  • Use the modified mule-examples.war file in the Tomcat application server deployment where-ever the mule-examples.war file is mentioned.