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Publishing and Consuming APIs with Mule

Mule Runtime Engine versions 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 reached End of Life on or before January 25, 2020. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the latest Mule version.

Using Mule applications, you can both publish and consume APIs. Depending on whether you are using REST or SOAP, and whether you are exposing or consuming the API, Mule offers different tools to facilitate your use case. Select from the matrix below to read more about the options Mule offers for each goal.

Rather than using both "API" and "Web service" to refer to the code written to interface with other code, this documentation only uses the term API. While these terms are, technically, not interchangeable in every circumstance, for the purpose of consistency and clarity, this Mule documentation simply uses the term "API".


You are reading this document because you want to either publish or consume a Web service or API using Mule. This document assumes you are reasonably well-versed in both REST and SOAP architectural styles for APIs. This document also assumes that you are familiar with Mule ESB and are comfortable building applications with Mule. Read the Mule Fundamentals to gain familiarity with Mule.

Publishing SOAP APIs

Mule uses the CXF framework to provide support for publishing SOAP APIs, implementing Apache CXF. Apache CXF is a flexible, open-source services framework that helps you build Web services using front-end programming APIs, like JAX-WS.

You can use CXF in a Mule application to expose a SOAP web service using one of three ways:

  1. Use the proxy service pattern to build a WSDL-first API

  2. Use the JAX-WS service pattern to build a code-first API employing the standard JAX-WS annotations with JAXB databinding

  3. Use the simple service pattern in the SOAP component to generate an API from POJOs

Get Started:

Consuming SOAP APIs

Consume any SOAP API using the Web Service Consumer . This new Anypoint Connector offers a streamlined set of functionality for consuming Web services within your Mule applications. * * Using the information contained in the API’s WSDL, this connector enables you to configure a few details in order to establish the connection you need to consume a service from within your Mule application. First, identify the location of the Web service’s WSDL file, then ask the Web Service Consumer to configure itself from the WSDL – host, port, address.

Get Started:

Publishing REST APIs

APIkit, a tooling module that you can add to your instance of Anypoint Studio, is an open-source, declarative toolkit specially created to facilitate API-first REST API implementation. APIkit enforces good API implementation practices and streamlines API development by automating flow creation and providing an embedded console for quick testing and iteration.

APIkit accepts a RAML (RESTful API Modeling Language) API definition and produces a Mule application with an HTTP endpoint, exception strategies, and hooks for your backend. Further, it offers an API console that exposes auto-generated, fully testable documentation for your API.

Get Started:

  • Follow the APIkit Tutorial to publish a sample RAML-based API.

  • Get familiar with RAML by watching a video demonstration, reading the spec, and reviewing the documentation.

Consuming REST APIs

There are two approaches to consuming a REST API using Mule:

  • Configure an HTTP endpoint to send requests to, and accept responses from an API from within your Mule application

  • Build a connector using Anypoint Connector DevKit to perform operations against the API

The lightweight option is to use an HTTP endpoint configured with MEL expressions to pass the necessary information to your API. Note that, at design time, you need to be aware of the structure of the API you want to call, including any authentication requirements, the name of the resource(s) you want to access, and the methods that are supported for each resource.

You may want to consider building a connector for the API instead of configuring HTTP endpoints if:

  • You are consuming this API very frequently, and you don’t want to have to configure your connection via HTTP each time that you want to connect

  • You need to connect to a REST API secured by any authorization standard that is more complex than HTTPS or basic authentication

If either or both of these describes your use case, visit the DevKit documentation to learn more about the process of building a connector.