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MuleSoft Enterprise Java Connector for SAP

Mule runtime engine version 3.8 reached its End of Life on November 16, 2021. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how to migrate to the latest Mule version.


This connector requires a separate license. Please contact MuleSoft if you want to evaluate or use this connector.


The Mule SAP Transport uses SAP Java Connector (JCo) libraries, thus enabling your Mule application to:

  1. Execute BAPI functions over sRFC (synchronous RFC), tRFC (transactional RFC) and qRFC (queued RFC)

  2. Act as a JCo Server to be called as a BAPI over sRFC, tRFC and qRFC

  3. Send IDocs over tRFC and qRFC

  4. Receive IDocs over tRFC and qRFC

  5. Transform all SAP objects (JCoFunction & IDocs) to/from XML

Mule Compatibility

There are four versions of the MuleSoft Enterprise Java Connector for SAP:

  • *1.x*: Compatible with Mule 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.2

  • *2.0.x and 2.1.x*: Compatible with Mule 3.3 / 3.4

  • 2.2.x: Compatible with Mule 3.6

Stateful transactions, involving multiple outbound endpoints, only work starting in Mule 3.3 with the transactional scope.


The SAP transport needs JCo libraries to operate. The following section explains how to setup Mule so that you can use the SAP transport in your Mule applications:

This procedure assumes that you already have a Mule instance installed on your host machine. If not, follow the instructions for Downloading Mule Runtime.

Throughout this document, we use $MULE_HOME to refer to the directory where Mule is installed.
  1. Download the SAP JCo and IDoc libraries from the SAP site: (To do this, you need a SAP User ID).

  2. Make sure that the SAP jars available to your Mule application and/or Mule instance. JCo relies on a native library, which requires additional installation steps.

  3. If you plan to use SAP as an Inbound Endpoint (i.e., Mule will be called as a BAPI or will receive IDocs), you must perform additional configuration within the services file at the OS level.

About the SAP JCo and IDoc Library Versions

The SAP Transport requires the following files:

  • SAP JCo Library 3.0.x (Tested with sapjco-3.0.7.jar and sapjco-3.0.9.jar)

  • SAP IDoc Libraries 3.0.x (Tested with sapidoc-3.0.6.jar)

Every SAP customer/partner has access to the SAP Service Market Place (SMP). Here, you can download both these files as well as the NetWeaver RFC Library and other connectors.

The SAP JCo libraries are OS-dependent, so make sure to download the SAP libraries that correspond to the OS and hardware architecture of the host server on which Mule will be running.

Making Jars Available to Your Mule Application

Follow the instructions provided by SAP to install the JCo libraries, but remember that certain jar files must be located in your application CLASSPATH, and the dynamic link library (dll/so) must reside in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Next, include the transport jar file (mule-transport-sap-{version}.jar) in your application CLASSPATH.

The Mule SAP Transport depends on three libraries:

  • mule-transport-sap-{version}.jar

  • sapjco-3.0.x.jar

  • sapidoc-3.0.x.jar

You need to place these three files in the same directory.
  • How to place Jars in common directory shared among apps

    If you’re going to deploy multiple applications to the same server, it makes sense to keep all of these Jars in a single folder rather than having them repeated for each app. Mule does not support this out of the box, but there’s a work around for that.

    For the SAP connector, MuleSoft recommends the following directories:

    • $MULE_HOME/lib/user

    • $MULE_HOME/lib/native

      By placing the libraries in these directories, you will share them among all applications running within the same Mule instance. As SAP JCo configuration is a singleton, if you go this way, then all your applications will share the same configuration, including the JCo destination repository.

For this setup to work, you must also manually configure the wrapper.conf file to add support for the $MULE_HOME/lib/user & $MULE_HOME/lib/native directories

What you did so far is enough to run this in a Mule Standalone instance, however to make this run properly in the Anypoint Studio runtime and be able to test your app while developing it, you must do the following:

  • add the following command line argument to the JRE Default VM Arguments -Djava.library.path=PATH. This will handle the native library

  • modify your POM to include the <scope>provided</scope> for supporting the file mule-transport-sap-{version}.jar

About the Application CLASSPATH

Your application lib directory is automatically enabled to support dynamic libraries. If you are not including them there, then you also need to tell Mule where the SAP JCo dynamic linked library resides. To accomplish this, you can do either of the following:

  • Configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

  • Configure the Mule wrapper configuration file $MULE_HOME/conf/wrapper.conf by adding the line{N}=PATH/TO/SAP-JCO/LIB-DIR

IMPORTANT: Do not combine both strategies (For example putting JCo libraries in the mule instance shared lib directory (For example $MULE_HOME/lib/user) and the SAP connector library inside your application $MULE_HOME/apps/YOUR_APP/lib. This will cause classloader issues as JCo libraries hold configuration in static fields (singletons).

Example: Shipping All Dependencies Inside Your Application

Lets assume you have an application called sap-test deployed in $MULE_HOME/apps in a Windows x86 box. The directory tree in order to have all the connector dependencies is:

  • $MULE_HOME/apps/sap-test/lib

    • mule-transport-sap-{version}.jar

    • sapjco-3.0.x.jar

    • sapidoc-3.0.x.jar

    • sapjco3.dll

It is recommended to configure the SAP libraries at Mule instance level, as having two applications with different versions of the SAP transport and/or JCo libraries may cause classloader issues.

SAP Inbound Endpoint Requirements

If you want to receive IDocs or be called as a BAPI (JCo Server) and you don’t want to use the PORT number as the value for jcoGwService, then you will have to modify the Operative System services file:

  • /etc/services file (for Unix-based OSes)

  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services file (for Windows)

In the above file, you must add your gateway (which is configured through the jcoGwService attribute or the jco.server.gwserv / jco.client.gwserv property). There’s no need to add the whole mapping list.

For example, to set the following, jcoGwService=sapgw00, you simply add the following line:

sapgw00 3300/tcp

Port 3300 is predefined by SAP, so if you need to validate other port numbers based on your SAP instance number, you can check the complete list of service-to-port mappings, which can be found here.

Namespace and Syntax

XML namespace


XML Schema location

Within the Schema location URL, you can replace the alias current with a specific Mule version number — such as 3.2, for example.

Connector Syntax

<sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="User"
     jcoPasswd="Password" jcoLang="en" jcoAsHost="host" jcoSysnr="00"
     jcoTrace="true" jcoPoolCapacity="3" jcoPeakLimit="10"/>

Endpoint Syntax

Inbound Endpoint

<sap:inbound-endpoint name="idocServer" type="idoc" rfcType="trfc"
     jcoConnectionCount="5" jcoGwHost="" jcoProgramId="send_idoc"
     jcoGwService="sapgw00" exchange-pattern="one-way"/>

Outbound endpoint

<sap:outbound-endpoint name="idocSender" type="idoc" connector-ref="SapConnector"

The Connector

The sap:connector element allows the configuration of JCo connection parameters that can then be shared among sap:inbound-endpoints and sap:outbound-endpoints in the same application.

Configurable Attributes

Attribute Description Default Value Since Version


The reference name of the connector used internally by Mule configuration.



The SAP client. This is usually a number (For example: 100).



The user name for password - based authentication



The password used for password - based authentication



The language to use for login dialogs. If not defined, the default user language is used.




The SAP application server host (either the IP address or server name can be specified).



The SAP system number



Enable/disable RFC trace




If jcoTraceToLog is true then JCo trace will be redirected to Mule log files. If this attribute is set, it will override the java startup environment property (-Djco.trace_path=<PATH>). Because of JCo libraries limitations, this attribute has to be configured at class loader level, so if configured it will be applied to all SAP connections at class loader level. jcoTrace should be enabled for this parameter to work.




The maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. No connection pooling takes place when the value is 0.




The maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously




A reference to java.util.Map containing additional JCo connection parameters. Additional information and a complete list of parameters can be found here



A boolean representing whether function templates should be cached or not. Disabling the cache is only recommended for really special cases (for example during development) as disabling will affect performance. Each function (BAPI) call will require two hits to SAP server.



Configuration Example

<sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="User" jcoPasswd="Password"
    jcoLang="en" jcoAsHost="host" jcoSysnr="00" jcoTrace="true" jcoPoolCapacity="3"

Disabling JCo Pool

If you want to disable JCo Pool, then just do not provide values for the attributes jcoPoolCapacity and jcoPeakLimit. Also providing a value of zero for the attribute jcoPoolCapacity will disable pooling.

SAP Solution Manager

The MuleSoft Enterprise Java Connector for SAP is SAP Solution Manager ready. This means that the connector complies with the minimum requirements to register in the SAP System Landscape Directory.

To configure it, you create a child element sap:sld-config inside sap:connector so that Mule registers with the System Landscape Directory (SLD) every time the application starts. This child element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value Since Version


The URL (including host and port) where your SLD is listening. Usually the URL will conform to a pattern like this:



A user who has privileges to update information in the SLD



The password for the user who has privileges to update the SLD settings



The name of the machine on which your application.

The host name (without the domain), as obtained from the OS.



The descriptive name for your application.



<sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="User" jcoPasswd="Password"
               jcoLang="en" jcoAsHost="host" jcoSysnr="00" jcoTrace="true"
               jcoPoolCapacity="3" jcoPeakLimit="10">
    <sap:sld-config url="" user="slduser" password="secret" computerName="mule01" localSystemName="Mule Enterprise Connector"/>

If you have multiple SAP connectors in the same Mule application or even on the same Mule server, then there is no reason to configure a different SLD for every one of them.

Unless you need to register with different SLD servers, you can configure a single sap:sld-config for only one sap:connector, and that SLD will serve for all SAP connectors running on the same host.


The MuleSoft Enterprise Java Connector for SAP supports both Inbound Endpoint and Outbound Endpoint endpoints.

Endpoint Address

To support for dynamic endpoints, the SAP Transport supports a URI-style address, for which the general format is:

address="sap://jcoUser:jcoPasswd@jcoAsHost?attr1=value1&attr2=value2& …​ &attrN=valueN"

These attributes can be:

  • The same attributes supported in the connector or endpoint element (for example jcoClient, jcoSysnr, etc.)

  • Specific SAP Connection Properties (for example jco.client.r3name, jco.client.type, etc.)

Whenever attributes that are not specified, default values are used.

You can use Mule expressions inside the address attribute, just as you do for other Mule transports.

Example of an Inbound Endpoint Address:


Example of an Outbound Endpoint Address:



You must “escape” the ampersand sign ('&') in the address attribute, replacing it with '&'.

Prioritizing Connection Properties

Properties for SAP JCo connections (inbound and outbound) can be configured in numerous places. The following list details the priorities accorded to values specified in different places, with the highest priority level listed first.

  1. Attributes at <sap:inbound-endpoint/> and <sap:outbound-endpoint/> level (For example jcoClient, jcoUser, jcoPasswd, jcoSysnr, jcoGwHost, jcoProgramId)

  2. Properties in the address attribute at <sap:inbound-endpoint/> and <sap:outbound-endpoint/> level

  3. Properties inside the Map configured in the jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref and/or jcoServerExtendedProperties-ref attributes at at <sap:inbound-endpoint/> and <sap:outbound-endpoint/> level

  4. Attributes configured at <sap:connector/> level (For example jcoClient, jcoUser, jcoPasswd, jcoSysnr)

  5. Properties inside the Map configured in the jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref at <sap:connector/> level

  6. Default values

XML Definition

This definition is the XML representation of a function (JCOFunction) or IDoc (IDocDocument / IDocDocumentList). In short, these are the XML documents you will be receiving from and sending to SAP.

The SAP transport includes Transformers that will convert the XML documents exchanged between the endpoints and SAP into corresponding SAP objects that the endpoints can handle.

The complete documentation for the different XML documents can be found here:

Inbound Endpoint

The SAP inbound endpoint acts as an RFC server or IDoc server. The JCo server needs to register against the SAP instance, and for this reason it requires both client and server configuration attributes.

Attribute Description Default Value Since Version


The reference name of the endpoint used internally by Mule configuration.



The available options are request-response and one-way.



The standard way to provide endpoint properties. For more information see Endpoint Address.



The type of SAP object this endpoint will process (i.e., function, idoc)




The type of RFC the endpoint used to receive a function or IDoc. The available options are srfc (which is sync with no TID handler), trfc and qrfc (both of which are async, with a TID handler).




If the type is function then this is the name of the BAPI function that will be handled. If no value is provided, then a generic handler is configured to receive all calls.



The SAP client. This is usually a number (i.e., 100).



The user for password-based authentication.



The password associated with the user for password-based authentication.



The login language. If not defined, the default user language is used.




The SAP application server host. (Use either the IP address or server name).



The SAP system number.



The maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. No connection pooling takes place when the value is 0.




The maximum number of simultaneously active connections that can be created for a destination.




A Reference to java.util.Map, which contains additional JCo connection parameters. Additional information and a complete list of parameters can be found here.



The gateway host on which the server should be registered.



The gateway service, i.e. the port on which registration is performed.



The program ID with which the registration is performed.



The number of connections that should be registered at the gateway.




A Reference to java.util.Map, which contains additional JCo Server connection parameters. Additional information and a complete list of server parameters can be found here.



Whether the endpoint should set as payload the XML representation (String) of the SAP Object (Function or IDoc) or the SapObject wrapper itself. Setting this flag to 'true' removes the need for the object-to-xml transformer.




The version of the output/input XML. IDocs only support Version 1, while for functions you have Version 1 (default) and Version 2 (DataMapper friendly)




<sap:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" type="function" rfcType="srfc"
    jcoGwHost="gateway-host" jcoGwService="gateway-service" jcoProgramId="program_id"
    jcoConnectionCount="2" functionName="BAPI_FUNCTION_NAME" jcoServerExtendedProperties-ref="mapWithServerProperties"/>

Output Mule Message

The inbound endpoint generates a Mule Message with the following payload contents:

  • A instance. This is a Java POJO whose two main properties are:

    • type: SapType.FUNCTION or SapType.IDOC, depending on whether a BAPI call or an IDoc is being received.

    • value: The type depends on the specific JCo Object: or for IDocs and for BAPI calls.

  • A String with the XML document when outputXml is true.

The payload can be transformed into an XML Definition with the <sap:object-to-xml/> transformer.

Receiving IDocs

To configure a IDoc Server, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Set the type parameter to idoc.

  2. Define the rfcType parameter as trfc or qrfc (IDocs are asychronous by definition, so they cannot be received over srfc).

  3. Configuring the TID Handler. (The default is an in-memory TID handler).

  4. Specify the following required attributes: jcoGwHost, jcoGwService, jcoProgramId.

  5. Specify required connection attributes, as necessary, for the endpoint or the connector. This might include, for example, jcoClient, jcoUser, jcoPasswd, jcoAsHost, jcoSysnr.

A Sample IDoc Server Configuration

    <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="mule_user" jcoPasswd="secret" jcoLang="en"
        jcoAsHost="" jcoSysnr="00" jcoTrace="true" jcoPoolCapacity = "3" jcoPeakLimit="10"
    <flow name="sapExample">
        <sap:inbound-endpoint name="sapInbound" exchange-pattern="request-response" type="idoc"
            rfcType="trfc" jcoGwHost="" jcoProgramId="idoc_send" jcoGwService="sapgw00"
            jcoConnectionCount="2" jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties">


Receiving BAPI Calls

To configure a BAPI RFC Server you must complete the following steps:

  1. Set the type parameter to function.

  2. Define the rfcType parameter to trfc, qrfc or srfc. (If rfcType is not specified, srfc is used by default.)

  3. If rfcType is trfc or qrfc, then you may also need to Configuring the TID Handler.

  4. Specify the following required attributes: jcoGwHost, jcoGwService, jcoProgramId.

  5. Specify the required connection attributes, as necessary, for the endpoint or the connector. This might include, for example, jcoClient, jcoUser, jcoPasswd, jcoAsHost, jcoSysnr.

Returning to SAP

After the flow executes and if the SAP inbound endpoint is request-response, then Mule will return values to the calling SAP instance. Return values can be represented with the XML representation of the JCo Function.
There are three possible scenarios:

  • Normal Execution: Just populate values in the export, changing or tables sections.

  • Exception: Populate an exception in the exceptions section. This will throw an AbapException that will be treated by SAP as an application error.

  • Flow Exception: Any exception thrown by the flow will be treated in SAP as a system failure (SYSTEM_FAILURE).

A Sample BAPI RFC Server Configuration

    <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="mule_test" jcoPasswd="secret" jcoLang="en" jcoAsHost=""
        jcoSysnr="00" jcoTrace="true" jcoPoolCapacity = "3" jcoPeakLimit="10" jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties"/>
    <flow name="sapExample">
        <sap:inbound-endpoint name="sapInbound" exchange-pattern="request-response" type="function" rfcType="trfc" jcoGwHost=""
            jcoProgramId="rfc_send" jcoGwService="sapgw00" jcoConnectionCount="2"/>

Configuring the TID Handler

The TID (Transaction ID) handler, an important component for tRFC and qRFC, ensures that Mule does not process the same transaction twice.

The SAP connector allows you to configure different TID stores:

  • In Memory TID Store: This default TID store facilitates the sharing of TIDs within the same Mule instance. If the rfcType is tRFC or qRFC, and no TID store is configured, then this default store is used. This is not recommended for production environment and this option doesn’t work in a clustered environment.

  • Mule Object Store TID Store: This wrapper uses existing Mule object stores to store and share TIDs. If you need multiple Mule server instances, you should configure a JDBC Object Store or a cluster-enabled Object Store so that you can share TIDs among the instances.


If the rfcType is configured to srfc, or it is not provided (thus defaulting to srfc), then no TID handler is configured. Furthermore, if a TID handler has been configured in the XML file, it will be ignored.

Example of a Default In-memory TID Store

To configure an in-memory TID Store successfully, you must understand the following:

  1. The in-memory TID Store won’t work as expected if you have multiple Mule instances that share the same program id. (This is because the SAP gateway load-balances across all registered SAP servers that share the same program id.)

  2. The rfcType in the <sap:inbound-endpoint …​/> should be trfc or qrfc.

  3. Configuring the child element <sap:default-in-memory-tid-store/> is optional, since the in-memory handler is the option by default.

    <mule xmlns=""
        <!-- Configuration for both SAP & the TID Store -->
        <spring:bean id="sapProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"
            <spring:property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />
            <spring:property name="location" value=""/>
        <!-- SAP Connector -->
        <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="${sap.jcoClient}"
            jcoUser="${sap.jcoUser}" jcoPasswd="${sap.jcoPasswd}" jcoLang="${sap.jcoLang}" jcoAsHost="${sap.jcoAsHost}"
            jcoSysnr="${sap.jcoSysnr}" jcoTrace="${sap.jcoTrace}" jcoPoolCapacity="${sap.jcoPoolCapacity}" jcoPeakLimit="${sap.jcoPeakLimit}"/>
        <flow name="idocServerFlow">
            <sap:inbound-endpoint name="idocServer" exchange-pattern="request-response" type="idoc" rfcType="trfc" jcoGwHost="${sap.jcoGwHost}"
                                  jcoProgramId="${sap.jcoProgramId}" jcoGwService="${sap.jcoGwService}" jcoConnectionCount="${sap.jcoConnectionCount}">

A Sample JDBC-based Mule Object Store TID Store

To configure the Mule Object Store TID Store, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the rfcType in the <sap:inbound-endpoint …​/> component as trfc or qrfc.

  2. Configure the child element <sap:mule-object-store-tid-store>.

  3. Configure a DataSource bean with Database Connection details.

  4. Configure a JDBC connector.

The child element of <sap:mule-object-store-tid-store> can be any of the supported Mule Object Stores.

This example illustrates how to configure a MySQL-based JDBC object store.

<mule xmlns=""

    <!-- Configuration for both SAP & TID Store -->
    <spring:bean id="sapProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"
        <spring:property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />
        <spring:property name="location" value=""/>

    <spring:bean id="jdbcProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <spring:property name="location" value=""/>

    <!-- TID Store configuration -->
    <spring:bean id="jdbcDataSource"
        <spring:property name="driverName" value="${database.driver}"/>
        <spring:property name="url" value="${database.connection}"/>

    <jdbc:connector name="jdbcConnector" dataSource-ref="jdbcDataSource" queryTimeout="${database.query_timeout}">
        <jdbc:query key="insertTID" value="insert into saptids (tid, context) values (?, ?)"/>
        <jdbc:query key="selectTID" value="select tid, context from saptids where tid=?"/>
        <jdbc:query key="deleteTID" value="delete from saptids where tid=?"/>

    <!-- SAP Connector -->
    <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="${sap.jcoClient}"
        jcoUser="${sap.jcoUser}" jcoPasswd="${sap.jcoPasswd}" jcoLang="${sap.jcoLang}" jcoAsHost="${sap.jcoAsHost}"
        jcoSysnr="${sap.jcoSysnr}" jcoTrace="${sap.jcoTrace}" jcoPoolCapacity="${sap.jcoPoolCapacity}" jcoPeakLimit="${sap.jcoPeakLimit}"/>

    <flow name="idocServerFlow">
        <sap:inbound-endpoint name="idocServer" exchange-pattern="request-response" type="idoc" rfcType="trfc" jcoGwHost="${sap.jcoGwHost}"
                              jcoProgramId="${sap.jcoProgramId}" jcoGwService="${sap.jcoGwService}" jcoConnectionCount="${sap.jcoConnectionCount}">
                <jdbc:object-store name="jdbcObjectStore" jdbcConnector-ref="jdbcConnector"

Make sure to note the following points:

  1. Specific confguration attributes are store in two properties files: and

  2. To configure more than one PropertyPlaceholder, the first one must have the property ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders set to true. (i.e., <spring:property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />)

A Sample Database Creation Script for the JDBC Object Store

-- MySQL Script

GRANT ALL ON saptid_db.* TO 'sap'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
GRANT ALL ON saptid_db.* TO 'sap'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

USE saptid_db;

    context TEXT

Outbound Endpoint

The SAP outbound endpoint executes functions (BAPIs) or sends IDocs.

Attribute Description Default Value Since Version


The reference name of the endpoint used internally by Mule configuration.



The available options are request-response and one-way.



The standard way to specify endpoint properties. For more information see Endpoint Address.



The type of SAP object this endpoint will be processing (function or idoc and, since 2.1.0, function-metadata)




Type of RFC the endpoint will use to execute a function or send and IDoc. Allowed values are srfc, trfc and qrfc.




If the RFC type is qrfc, then this is the name of the queue.



When the type is function, this BAPI function is executed. If the type is function-metadata then you need to provide the name of the BAPI that you want to retrieve its metadata. This attribute accepts Mule Expressions.



When the type is function, a true flag indicates that the SAP transport should evaluate the function response and throw and exception when an error occurs in SAP. When this flag is set to false, the SAP transport does not throw an exception when an error occurs, and the user is responsible of parsing the function response.




The path to the template definition file of either the function to be executed or the IDoc to be sent.



When the type is idoc, this version is used when sending the IDoc. Values for the IDoc version correspond to IDOC_VERSION_xxxx constants in




The SAP client. This is usually a number (i.e., 100).



The user for password-based authentication. Since version 2.1.0 this attribute accepts Mule Expressions.



The password associated with the user for password-based authentication. Since version 2.1.0 this attribute accepts Mule Expressions.



The language used by the logon dialogs. When not defined, the default user language is used.




The SAP application server host (IP or server name).



The SAP system number.



The maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. No connection pooling takes place when the value is 0.




The maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously.




A reference to java.util.Map containing additional JCo connection parameters. Additional information and a complete list of parameters can be found here.



When set to true , either BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK is called depending if there were exceptions or not. This attribute can be used depending the existence of a transaction. If there is no transaction configured, then BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT is called after executing the function. If there is a transaction, then BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT is called at the end of it.




This attribute supports the value 1 or 2 and defines the version of the XML output generated when type is function-metadata




Whether the endpoint should set as payload the XML representation (String) of the SAP Object (Function or IDoc) or the SapObject wrapper itself. Setting this flag to 'true' removes the need for the object-to-xml transformer.



Multi-User Support

Since SAP Connector version 2.1.0 users can dynamically set connection user and password (This means that both jcoUser and jcoPasswd can be set using a Mule Expression that will be evaluated in runtime). Though this is really useful for use cases where it is important to execute a BAPI under a specific user, it is worth mentioning that there will be a pool of connections to SAP created for each user.
Please size correctly the JCo connection pool and configured java memory based on the amount of users that may be used.

IDoc Versions

Value Description









A Sample SAP Outbound Endpoint Configuration

<sap:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" type="function" rfcType="qrfc"
    queueName="QRFC_QUEUE_NAME" functionName="BAPI_FUNCTION_NAME"

A Sample SAP Outbound Endpoint Configuration to retrieve the Metadata for a BAPI (since version 2.1.0)

<sap:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" type="function-metadata"  functionName="BAPI_FUNCTION_NAME"/>

Input Mule Messages

The outbound endpoint expects a Mule Message carrying any of the following payloads:

  • ` `instance. This is a Java POJO, whose two main properties are:

    • type: SapType.FUNCTION (for a BAPI call) or SapType.IDOC (for an IDoc).

    • value: The specific JCo Object depends on the payload type: or for IDocs and for BAPI calls.

  • String, byte[], InputStream instance. The connector will assume that any of these types hold a valid XML representation of a SAP Object (BAPI or IDoc)

  • Any other Object. You need to provide the XML definition with the attribute definitionFile or Embedding the XML Definition it in the XML.

The payload can be transformed from a XML Definition into a SapObject with the following transformers:

<!-- IDocs -->

<!-- BAPI calls -->

Embedding the XML Definition

As an alternative to providing the SAP object definition in a file (through the definitionFile attribute), the XML definition can be embedded inside the sap:outbound-endpoint element by using the
sap:definition element. As the definition will be an XML fragment, it has to be provided inside a CDATA section.

 <sap:outbound-endpoint ...>
             <structure name="POHEADER">
               <field name="COMP_CODE">#[payload.value1]</field>
               <field name="DOC_TYPE">#[header:value2]</field>
               <field name="VENDOR">#[bean:value3]</field>
               <field name="PURCH_ORG">#[xpath://path/to/value4]</field>

Executing Functions

There are different ways to execute a function:

  1. Create an instance of and send it as the payload to the SAP outbound-endpoint. In this case, the following attributes will be ignored: type, functionName, definition, definitionFile. You can create the JCoFunction object in a Java component or Script for example.

  2. Generate the XML definition for the JCoFunction and send it as the payload (i.e., in one of these formats: InputStream, byte[], or String) to the SAP outbound-endpoint through the <xml-to-function/> transformer. In this case, if the function name is provided in the XML definition, it overrides the value in the attribute functionName. The following attributes are also ignored: type, definition, definitionFile.

  3. Configure definitionFile or embed the XML definition in the SAP outbound endpoint. (If both are configured, then the contents of the definitionFile override the embedded XML definition.) The type attribute should be set to function. In this case, if the function name is provided in the XML definition, it overrides the value in the attribute functionName. The XML definition file may contain Mule Expressions that can be substituted at runtime with values present in the Mule Event (payload, headers, global properties, beans, etc.)

Invocation of a function results in a JCoFunction object. The Mule SAP outbound-endpoint wraps this object inside You can access the response JCoFunction object by invoking the getValue method.

You can also use the <object-to-xml/> transformer to get the XML representation of the JCoFunction.


XML input and XML output

Example notes:

  1. Input is received as an XML document that uses the tag <jco name="BAPI_NAME"> to specify the BAPI to be called.

  2. The function output is transformed into a XML document.

  3. If the execution of the BAPI by SAP produces an error, an exception is raised from the outbound endpoint (because evaluateFunctionResponse is true).

    <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="mule_test" jcoPasswd="secret" jcoLang="en" jcoAsHost=""
        jcoSysnr="00" jcoTrace="true" jcoPoolCapacity = "3" jcoPeakLimit="10" jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties"/>
    <flow name="sapExample">
        <sap:outbound-endpoint name="sapOutbound" exchange-pattern="request-response" type="function" rfcType="srfc" evaluateFunctionResponse="true"/>

A Sample of an Embedded XML Definition using Mule Expressions

Example notes:

  1. The payload is a Java object. (For this example, assume it has a property name is_value1_).

  2. The function output is transformed into a XML document

  3. The name of the BAPI function to be executed is BAPI_PO_CREATE1

  4. Inside the definition, you can see various Mule Expressions

    <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoClient="100" jcoUser="mule_test" jcoPasswd="secret" jcoLang="en" jcoAsHost=""
        jcoSysnr="00" jcoTrace="true" jcoPoolCapacity = "3" jcoPeakLimit="10" jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties"/>
    <flow name="sapExample">
        <!-- Load values into Mule Message -->
        <sap:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" type="function" functionName="BAPI_PO_CREATE1">
                    <structure name="POHEADER">
                      <field name="COMP_CODE">#[payload.value1]</field>
                      <field name="DOC_TYPE">#[message.inboundProperties['value2']]</field>
                      <field name="VENDOR">#[message.payload.value3]</field>
                      <field name="PURCH_ORG">#[xpath3('//path/to/value4')]</field>
        <!-- Process XML result -->

Sending IDocs

There are different ways to send an IDoc:

  1. Create an instance of or and send it as the payload to the SAP outbound-endpoint. In this case the following attributes will be ignored: type, definition, definitionFile. You can create the IDoc document object in a Java component or Script for example.

  2. Generate the XML definition for the IDoc and send it as the payload (InputStream, byte[] or String) to the SAP outbound-endpoint through the <xml-to-idoc/> transformer. In this case the following attributes will be ignored: type, definition, definitionFile.

  3. Configure definitionFile or embed the XML definition in the SAP outbound-endpoint. (If both are configured then the contents of the definitionFile will override the embedded XML definition.) The type attribute should be set to idoc. In this case the XML definition file may contain Mule Expressions that can be substituted in runtime with values present in the Mule Event (payload, headers, global properties, beans, etc.)

Reading a file that represents an IDoc (XML Document)

Example notes:

  1. This example polls the directory C:/sap-test/in for IDocs XML documents, then sends them to SAP.

  2. Extended properties are defined in the map sapProperties.

  3. The outbound endpoint is configured with the address attribute.

  4. The transformer <sap:xml-to-idoc /> receives a Stream, then transforms it into a SAP Object that the endpoint can process.

<mule xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:spring="" xmlns:sap=""

    <spring:bean name="sapProperties" class="java.util.HashMap">
                <spring:entry key="jco.server.unicode" value="1" />

    <sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoSysnr="00" jcoPeakLimit="10"
        jcoClientExtendedProperties-ref="sapProperties" />

    <file:connector name="FileConnector" moveToDirectory="C:/sap-test/bk"
        streaming="false" />

    <flow name="sapExample">
        <file:inbound-endpoint address="file://C:/sap-test/in" />
        <sap:xml-to-idoc />
            exchange-pattern="request-response" type="idoc"/>

Configuring the SAP Connector in Clustered Environments

The SAP connector is Mule HA ready, meaning that it can work in a Mule Cluster without any issues. However, depending on the application architecture, you may need to perform specific configuratio in your SAP endpoints.

IMPORTANT: The key to a fully working application in cluster is the implementation of reliability patterns.

Outbound Endpoint

The outbound endpoint is usually not a problem for HA environments. If the application is correctly built to work in a cluster, then there are no special considerations. Ensure that only one node at a time is processing a specific request. Typically, this is guaranteed by HA-ready inbound endpoints.

Inbound Endpoint

The inbound endpoint represents a bigger challenge when configuring your application in HA mode. The following sections provide information that will assist you to make the best decision.

SAP-Side Functionality

The SAP Connector is based on JCo Server functionality. JCo Server connects a gateway on the SAP side that is responsible for:

  1. Load balancing requests to the SAP inbound endpoint.

  2. In case of Transactional RFCs (rfcType is tRFC or qRFC), starting the transaction and making sure it doesn’t send the same request to multiple inbound endpoints (and thus avoiding duplicate requests in more than one cluster node.)

Configuring the SAP Inbound Endpoint for HA

When configuring multiple SAP inbound endpoints in an HA configuration, remember that is that all nodes can share the Transaction IDs (TIDs). For this purpose, configuring a distributed object store based transaction ID store is necessary. The recommended object store implementation for HA configuration is the managed-store, as the default implementation varies depending on whether the application is running standalone or in cluster (shared object store among cluster nodes.)

Also recall that in HA configurations that the payload should be serializable. To ensure this, configure the inbound endpoint to output XML. In 3.6.0, this is easily achieved with the outputXml attribute set to true. In previous versions, you need to configure a global transformer.

Mule 3.6.0+

<sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoAsHost="${sap.jcoAsHost}"
    jcoUser="${sap.jcoUser}" jcoPasswd="${sap.jcoPasswd}" jcoSysnr="${sap.jcoSysnr}"
    jcoClient="${sap.jcoClient}" jcoLang="${sap.jcoLang}" jcoPoolCapacity="${sap.jcoPoolCapacity}"

    <sap:inbound-endpoint type="function" rfcType="trfc" connector-ref="SapConnector"
    jcoGwHost="${sap.gwHost}" jcoGwService="${sap.gwService}"
    jcoProgramId="${sap.programId}" outputXml="true">

            <managed-store storeName="sap-tid-store" persistent="true" />


Mule 3.4.x and Before

<sap:connector name="SapConnector" jcoAsHost="${sap.jcoAsHost}"
    jcoUser="${sap.jcoUser}" jcoPasswd="${sap.jcoPasswd}" jcoSysnr="${sap.jcoSysnr}"
    jcoClient="${sap.jcoClient}" jcoLang="${sap.jcoLang}" jcoPoolCapacity="${sap.jcoPoolCapacity}"

<sap:object-to-xml name="sap-object-to-xml" xmlVersion="2" />

    <sap:inbound-endpoint type="function" rfcType="trfc" connector-ref="SapConnector"
    jcoGwHost="${sap.gwHost}" jcoGwService="${sap.gwService}"
    jcoProgramId="${sap.programId}" transformer-refs="sap-object-to-xml">

            <managed-store storeName="sap-tid-store" persistent="true" />



The SAP transport, which is based on JCo, doesn’t support distributed transactions because JCo doesn’t support XA.

The SAP outbound endpoint supports the child element transaction:

<sap:transaction action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" bapiTransaction="true|false"/>

Important Compatibility Notes

Transaction support in the SAP Connector version 1.x is very limited and only transactions of one function call are allowed.

Starting with the SAP Connector version 2.1.0, the attribute bapiTransaction is no longer present at transaction level. This attribute was moved to the outbound endpoint.

Attribute Description Default Value Since Version


The action attribute is part of the Mule transaction standard and can have the following values: NONE, ALWAYS_BEGIN, BEGIN_OR_JOIN, ALWAYS_JOIN and JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE



When set to true, either BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK is called at the end of the transaction, depending on the result of that transaction. Since version 2.1.0 this option has being moved to the outbound endpoint.



For more information, consult the Transactions Configuration Reference.

Combining the RFC type (rfcType) attribute defined in the outbound endpoint with the transaction facilitates different ways for the SAP transport to handle the transaction:

For examples, please take a look at Outbound Endpoint Transactions.

If a transaction is not specified, then all calls (execute function or send IDoc) are stateless.


  1. <sap:xml-to-function/>

  2. <sap:xml-to-idoc/>

  3. <sap:object-to-xml/>

Attribute Description Default Value Since Version


This attribute supports the value 1 or 2 and defines the version of the XML output generated when type is function-metadata

