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Anypoint Partner Manager V1.0 was deprecated in March 2021. Its End of Life is March 31, 2022. Support for Anypoint Partner Manager 1.0 continues in accordance with the Product Support and Maintenance Terms but is not available for new customers or upgrades. For the latest version of Anypoint Partner Manager, contact your Customer Success Manager to determine how you can migrate to the current version.

For a given message, Anypoint Partner Manager (APM) facilitates storage of:


The content of the message


Data about the message

The customer then uses Anypoint Partner Manager to request and view metadata and payload data, a process which includes the Trading Partner Management API and Tracking Data Storage. Tracking: Storage and Retrieval illustrates this process

tracking storage and retrieval
Figure 1. Tracking: Storage and Retrieval

Payload Tracking

APM payload tracking is designed to allow extensive customer control. You decide the following:

  • Where payloads are stored

  • For how long payloads are stored

  • Who has access to payloads

Metadata Tracking

Metadata tracking is used for searching and viewing. Customers define properties to track, such as:

  • Date and time

  • Sender

  • Recipient

  • Payload URL - This URL points to the message payload and is part of metadata tracking; the message payload itself is part of Payload Tracking.

Tracking Data Storage

You can store tracking data in either of two ways.

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalable cloud storage. Using this method, you need only create an account and configure account credentials in APM.

Customer-Selected Storage

This method enables a customer to store its message data at a location of its choice. For example, data can be stored in an on-premises database.