Mule Runtime
Anypoint Studio 6.0 with 3.8.0 Runtime Update Site 1 Release Notes
June 14, 2016
Build ID: 201606141728
Version: 3.8.0 EE |
Anypoint Studio |
Version: 6.0.1 |
APIkit |
Versions: 3.8.0 - 1.7.3 - 1.6.2 - 1.5.3 |
DataWeave |
Version: 1.1.0 |
MUnit |
Version: 1.2.0 , 3.6.3, 3.7.3, 3.8.0 (mule-munit-support), 1.2.0 (munit-studio-plugin) |
SAP Connector |
Versions: 3.0.0 |
What’s New
In this release, we have completed the maven support for domain within Studio.
We recently released MUnit 1.2.0, which includes domain support as one of the features.
Our customers very often relies on Maven for MUnit automated testing, domain support within Studio removes frictions for mavenizing projects and running MUnit tests.
Migration Guide
For first time installment, please refer to Studio 6.0.0 release notes for hardware requirements and known issues.
From the previous versions of Studio 5.1.0, 5.1.1, 5.2.0, 5.2.1, 5.3.0, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3, there is no special migration needed, but when opening a previous Workspace with projects that were created with Studio 5.1.0 or older, and which has metadata stored in disk, Studio asks you to perform an update to all the projects so that the Metadata Manager can handle the types and to show the types in your project.
You can easily import all of the external components that you had installed in your old version of Anypoint Studio through a single action. This includes connectors, runtimes, and any other type of extension added through the Anypoint Exchange or the Help → Install new software menu, as long as there are no compatibility restrictions. Do this by selecting File→Import and then choose Install→From existing installation. ![]() Then specify the location of your old version of Anypoint Studio in your local drive. |
Eclipse Plugin
If you are using Studio as an Eclipse plugin, you can get this version of Studio using the Eclipse update site
This allows you to download Anypoint Studio core and third-party components version 6.x.x and with an embedded version of Mule Runtime v3.8.x along with other optional components.
For a detailed description of the update site’s content visit the Studio in Eclipse section.
JIRA Ticket List for Anypoint Studio
Bug Fixes
STUDIO-7139 - Improve TLS/SSL config labels for HTTP requester and messaging
STUDIO-7678 - [Deploy to AMC] When re-deploying an app, sometimes the deploying page doesn’t load.
STUDIO-7849 - When starting or re-starting Studio in Windows the splash is not shown
STUDIO-7862 - When importing API that uses a domain, the domain is generated without name.
STUDIO-7863 - When importing API that uses a domain with connectors, no domain is generated.
STUDIO-7870 - [RAML1.0] Error marker content shows the same piece of code twice
STUDIO-7908 - Custom Metadata Definition: Copybook schema file and structure identification lost
STUDIO-7916 - When importing projects using apigateway, Studio does not check existing domains
STUDIO-7944 - Connector No Show in Install Window - ex. installing from within studio
STUDIO-7945 - Add error message when trying to create an existing API again in your organization
STUDIO-7957 - Order of DW targets in XML when they do not match the UI; embedded Mule throws exceptions in Studio
STUDIO-7961 - DW: Sample Data in DataWeave from preview is not setting the schema path and structure ident
STUDIO-7973 - Add validation when trying to create a project sync with Platform being offline.
STUDIO-7983 - Delete "Compare" option when selecting folders and the project folder
STUDIO-7987 - Edit Library Button Gives Add Library Dialog
STUDIO-8008 - Default domain is not opened if it doesn’t exist in the workspace but it does in the filesystem
STUDIO-8016 - Add validation when trying to use unsupported browsers
STUDIO-8024 - Add a validation when trying to create a new Api, a new Api version or select an existing api being offline
STUDIO-8029 - Error is thrown when having two APIS from same user but different organization
STUDIO-8030 - Add validation when trying to create an API with the same name but different organization for the same user
STUDIO-8038 - Resources not exported without reloading
STUDIO-8039 - Add a validation to check user permissions to see apis of a certain suborganization.
STUDIO-8040 - Remove the message of amount of changed lines from the error marker tooltip
STUDIO-8060 - Incorrect background color for checkbox / radio button inside a Tab/Group
STUDIO-8078 - Refresh option does not bring platform changes in the first time.
STUDIO-8081 - Import fails when importing an uncompressed app from formerly Mule app.
STUDIO-8090 - Problem creating XML Metadata
STUDIO-8094 - [SE] DW - properties window GUI doesn’t open with error condition
STUDIO-8096 - DW: review the list of keys displayed in autocompletion should match the ones supported in the runtime
STUDIO-8099 - [Custom Metadata] Metadata is persisted in the Cache but not in the UI
STUDIO-8100 - [Custom Metadata] XML settings schema and root element are not persisted in the UI
STUDIO-8101 - [Apikit for SOAP] WSDL Validation error in the new project wizard
STUDIO-8109 - Validation errors when class does not directly implement interface
STUDIO-7777 - HTTP Connector should provide better and clearer error messages.
STUDIO-7815 - Provide maven support for domain and its related projects
STUDIO-7948 - Improve error message when creating an APIKit project from an invalid RAML
STUDIO-7974 - Improvements for the error message pop up for D2I feature.
STUDIO-7975 - Add "Generate Flows from Raml" option in the Api Sync view.
STUDIO-7982 - Add validation when downloading/uploading changes and you have local/remotely changes.
STUDIO-7990 - Add warning validations for unincluded ramls.
STUDIO-7997 - Filter files system in order to avoid unexpected synchronization files
STUDIO-7998 - Improve synchronization between manual and automatic triggering of the sync job
STUDIO-8013 - Add a validation when you are selecting an invalid RAML.
STUDIO-8018 - Add missing option "Generate Flows from Raml" in the Raml editor popup menu.
STUDIO-8031 - [DW-UI] Adding support to choose structure for copybook metadata
STUDIO-8032 - Cleanup metadata type manager UI
STUDIO-8041 - Automatically selection of the API version which has just been created.
STUDIO-8044 - Remove the automatic API changes update process
STUDIO-8045 - Improve the API Sync view icons
Refer to MuleSoft’s documentations related to Domain Support in MUnit and Studio.
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