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Setting Up Your Development Environment

DevKit is compatible only with Studio 6 and Mule 3. To build Mule 4 connectors, see the Mule SDK documentation.

This document explains how to prepare a development environment that includes all the components required to develop Anypoint Connectors. You must have the following components installed and working in your local environment:

The sections below describe the specific details necessary for setting up your connector development environment.

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This document assumes that you are familiar with a Java IDE (Eclipse or similar) and have some familiarity with the Maven build manager. Further, it assumes that you know how to install an instance of JDK 6 and Maven on your platform (Windows, Mac, or Linux).

Anypoint Studio

Although you can use any Java IDE with Maven support, it’s strongly recommended that you use Anypoint Studio, as it streamlines and simplifies several of the steps needed to build your connector.

To build connector projects, you must first install the Creating an Anypoint Connector Project Plugin into Anypoint Studio.

If you have not already installed Anypoint Studio, follow the detailed instructions to install. For a quick introduction to Anypoint Studio, review Anypoint Studio Essentials.

JDK 6 or JDK 7

Oracle makes JDK freely available for all supported platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Download version 6 or 7 of the Java Development Kit (JDK) for your platform and install.

Maven Build Manager

If you are not familiar with Maven, Maven in Five Minutes provides a brief introduction to the concepts and basic commands.

  1. Download the Maven distribution from the Maven download page.

  2. Unpack the download to a folder on your local drive.

  3. Create an environment variable called M2_HOME, then set it to the folder into which you unpacked Maven.

  4. Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to Maven binaries.

    • Windows: add the following to the PATH variable: %M2_HOME%\bin

    • Mac or Linux: add the following to the PATH variable: $M2_HOME/bin

For more detailed instructions and installation options, see the Maven download page; instructions for different platforms are available below the download links.

See Also