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DataWeave 2.1 is compatible with Mule 4.1. Standard Support for Mule 4.1 ended on November 2, 2020, and this version of Mule will reach its End of Life on November 2, 2022, when Extended Support ends.

Deployments of new applications to CloudHub that use this version of Mule are no longer allowed. Only in-place updates to applications are permitted.

MuleSoft recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Mule 4 that is in Standard Support so that your applications run with the latest fixes and security enhancements.

diff(Any, Any, { unordered?: Boolean }, String): Diff

Returns the structural differences between two values.

Differences between objects can be ordered (the default) or unordered. Ordered means that two objects do not differ if their key-value pairs are in the same order. Differences are expressed as Difference type.


Name Description


The actual value. Can be any data type.


The expected value to compare to the actual. Can be any data type.


Setting for changing the default to unordered using `{ "unordered" : true} (explained in the introduction).


This example shows a variety of uses of diff.


import diff from dw::util::Diff
ns ns0
ns ns1
output application/dw
  "a": diff({a: 1}, {b:1}),
  "b": diff({ns0#a: 1}, {ns1#a:1}),
  "c": diff([1,2,3], []),
  "d": diff([], [1,2,3]),
  "e": diff([1,2,3], [1,2,3, 4]),
  "f": diff([{a: 1}], [{a: 2}]),
  "g": diff({a @(c: 2): 1}, {a @(c: 3): 1}),
  "h": diff(true, false),
  "i": diff(1, 2),
  "j": diff("test", "other test"),
  "k": diff({a: 1}, {a:1}),
  "l": diff({ns0#a: 1}, {ns0#a:1}),
  "m": diff([1,2,3], [1,2,3]),
  "n": diff([], []),
  "o": diff([{a: 1}], [{a: 1}]),
  "p": diff({a @(c: 2): 1}, {a @(c:2): 1}),
  "q": diff(true, true),
  "r": diff(1, 1),
  "s": diff("other test", "other test"),
  "t": diff({a:1 ,b: 2},{b: 2, a:1}, {unordered: true}),
  "u": [{format: "ssn",data: "ABC"}] diff [{ format: "ssn",data: "ABC"}]


ns ns0
ns ns1
  a: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "Entry (root).a with type Number",
        actual: "was not present in object.",
        path: "(root).a"
  b: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "Entry (root).ns0#a with type Number",
        actual: "was not present in object.",
        path: "(root).ns0#a"
  c: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "Array size is 0",
        actual: "was 3",
        path: "(root)"
  d: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "Array size is 3",
        actual: "was 0",
        path: "(root)"
  e: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "Array size is 4",
        actual: "was 3",
        path: "(root)"
  f: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "1" as String {mimeType: "application/dw"},
        actual: "2" as String {mimeType: "application/dw"},
        path: "(root)[0].a"
  g: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "3" as String {mimeType: "application/dw"},
        actual: "2" as String {mimeType: "application/dw"},
        path: "(root).a.@.c"
  h: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "false",
        actual: "true",
        path: "(root)"
  i: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "2",
        actual: "1",
        path: "(root)"
  j: {
    matches: false,
    diffs: [
        expected: "\"other test\"",
        actual: "\"test\"",
        path: "(root)"
  k: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  l: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  m: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  n: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  o: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  p: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  q: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  r: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  s: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  t: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []
  u: {
    matches: true,
    diffs: []